David R.S. Verelst
David R.S. Verelst
Scientist, DTU Wind Energy
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
IEA Wind TCP Task 37: Systems engineering in wind energy-WP2. 1 Reference wind turbines
P Bortolotti, HC Tarres, K Dykes, K Merz, L Sethuraman, D Verelst, ...
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), 2019
Load Consequences when sweeping blades-a case study of a 5 MW pitch controlled wind turbine
DR Verelst, TJ Larsen
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Risø Nationallaboratoriet for Bæredygtig Energi, 2010
Aero-elastic optimization of a 10 MW wind turbine
F Zahle, C Tibaldi, DR Verelst, R Bitche, C Bak
33rd Wind Energy Symposium, 0491, 2015
Systems Engineering in Wind Energy–WP2. 1 Reference Wind Turbines
P Bortolotti, HC Tarrés, K Dykes, K Merz, L Sethuraman, D Verelst, ...
National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Oak Ridge, TN, USA, 2019
Wind turbine site-specific load estimation using artificial neural networks calibrated by means of high-fidelity load simulations
L Schröder, NK Dimitrov, DR Verelst, JA Sørensen
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1037 (6), 062027, 2018
Modal properties and stability of bend-twist coupled wind turbine blades
AR Stablein, MH Hansen, DR Verelst
Wind Energy Science 2 (1), 343-360, 2017
Iea wind tcp task 37: Systems engineering in wind energy-wp2. 1 reference wind turbines Tech. rep
P Bortolotti, HC Tarrés, K Dykes, K Merz, L Sethuraman, D Verelst, ...
IEA Wind URL https://www. nrel. gov/docs/fy19osti/73492. pdf, 2019
Optimal aero-elastic design of a rotor with bend-twist coupling
MK McWilliam, F Zahle, A Dicholkar, D Verelst, T Kim
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1037, 042009, 2018
The effects of blade structural model fidelity on wind turbine load analysis and computation time
O Gözcü, DR Verelst
Wind Energy Science 5 (2), 503-517, 2020
HAWCStab2 user manual
MH Hansen, LC Henriksen, C Tibaldi, L Bergami, D Verelst, GR Pirrung, ...
Wind tunnel tests of a free yawing downwind wind turbine
DRS Verelst, TJ Larsen, JW van Wingerden
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 555 (1), 012103, 2014
Outlier robustness for wind turbine extrapolated extreme loads
A Natarajan, DR Verelst
Wind Energy, 2011
Flexible wind turbine blades: a FEM-BEM coupled model approach
D Verelst
IEA Wind Task 37 on systems engineering in wind energy
P Bortolotti, K Dykes, K Merz, F Zahle
WP2-Reference Wind Turbines.: IEA Wind Task 37, 565, 2019
Optimal yaw strategy for optimized power and load in various wake situations
AM Urbán, TJ Larsen, GC Larsen, DP Held, E Dellwik, D Verelst
Journal of physics: Conference series 1102 (1), 012019, 2018
Taxonomy and metadata for wind energy research & development
AM Sempreviva, A Vesth, C Bak, DR Verelst, G Giebel, HK Danielsen, ...
IRPWind Report, 2017
IEA Wind TCP Task 37: Systems engineering in wind energy-WP2. 1 Reference wind turbines National Renewable Energy Laboratory technical report Golden
P Bortolotti, HC Tarres, K Dykes, K Merz, L Sethuraman, D Verelst, ...
CO 10, 1529216, 2019
Detailed Load Analysis of the baseline 5MW DeepWind Concept
DR Verelst, HA Madsen, KA Kragh, F Belloni
DTU Wind Energy, 2014
A surrogate model approach for associating wind farm load variations with turbine failures
L Schröder, NK Dimitrov, DR Verelst
Wind Energy Science Discussions 2020, 1-24, 2020
Using transfer learning to build physics-informed machine learning models for improved wind farm monitoring
L Schröder, NK Dimitrov, DR Verelst, JA Sørensen
Energies 15 (2), 558, 2022
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