Maria-Josefina Hernandez
Maria-Josefina Hernandez
Other nameschepina hernandez i
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Mathematical modelling of American cutaneous leishmaniasis: incidental hosts and threshold conditions for infection persistence
LF Chaves, MJ Hernandez
Acta tropica 92 (3), 245-252, 2004
Sources and sinks: revisiting the criteria for identifying reservoirs for American cutaneous leishmaniasis
LF Chaves, MJ Hernandez, AP Dobson, M Pascual
Trends in parasitology 23 (7), 311-316, 2007
Dynamics of transitions between population interactions: a nonlinear interaction alpha-function defined
MJ Hernandez
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1998
Variation in the outcome of population interactions: bifurcations and catastrophes
MJ Hernandez, I Barradas
Journal of mathematical biology 46 (6), 571-594, 2003
Plantlet recruitment is the key demographic transition in invasion by Kalanchoe daigremontiana
I Herrera, MJ Hernandez, M Lampo, JM Nassar
Population Ecology 54, 225-237, 2012
A simulation model for the management of vicuña populations
JE Rabinovich, MJ Hernández, JL Cajal
Ecological modelling 30 (3-4), 275-295, 1985
Simulación de modelos matemáticos como herramienta para el estudio de los reservorios de la Leishmaniasis Cutánea Americana.
LF Chaves, MJ Hernandez, S Ramos
Divulgaciones matemáticas 16 (1), 125-154, 2008
Disentangling nature, strength and stability issues in the characterization of population interactions
MJ Hernandez
Journal of theoretical biology 261 (1), 107-119, 2009
Mortality profiles of Rhodnius prolixus (Heteroptera: Reduviidae), vector of Chagas disease
LF Chaves, MJ Hernandez, TA Revilla, DJ Rodríguez, JE Rabinovich
Acta tropica 92 (2), 119-125, 2004
Spatiotemporal dynamics in variable population interactions with density-dependent interaction coefficients
MJ Hernandez
Ecological Modelling 214 (1), 3-16, 2008
Evolutionary perturbations of optimal life histories
MJ Hernandez, JA León
Evolutionary Ecology 9, 478-494, 1995
Sobre el carácter multifuncional de la Agroecología: El manejo de la matriz agrícola y la conservación de especies silvestres como sistemas metapoblacionales
D Griffon, D Alfonzo, MJ Hernandez
Agroecología 5, 23-31, 2010
Some theoretical notes on agrobiodiversity: spatial heterogeneity and population interactions
D Griffon, MJ Hernandez
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 44 (6), 795-823, 2020
Los ecosistemas no bailan sobre la punta de un alfiler: Consecuencias del espacio en el manejo ecológico de plagas
D Griffon, MJ Hernandez
Agroecología 9, 67-78, 2014
Un modelo de simulación en computadoras digitales para el manejo de vicuñas y guanacos en Sudamérica
JE Rabinovich, JL Cajal, MJ Hernandez, S Puig, R Ojeda, JN Amaya
Ministerio de Educacion y Justicia, Secretaria de, 1984
Theoretical clues for agroecological transitions: The Conuco legacy and the Monoculture trap
D Griffon, MJ Hernandez, D Ramírez
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4, 2021
Consecuencias del manejo agroecológico en la conservación de especies silvestres
D Alfonzo, D Griffon, MJ Hernandez
Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia 4 (2), 1960-1964, 2009
The big ifs in the outcomes of species interactions: review and insights from the Interaction Function (IF) model
MJ Hernandez
Revista de Modelamiento Matemático de Sistemas Biológicos (MMSB) 1 (1), 73-90, 2021
Reservorios de vegetación:¿ cuántos y cómo?
D Griffon, MJ Hernández
Agronomía & Ambiente 36 (2), 2016
De cómo la densodependencia y la heterogeneidad espacial promueven desenlaces dinámicos
MJ Hernandez
Acta Biologica Venezuelica 35 (2), 159-186, 2015
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Articles 1–20