Elena Zattoni
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Cited by
Convolution profiles for right inversion of multivariable non-minimum phase discrete-time systems
G Marro, D Prattichizzo, E Zattoni
Automatica 38 (10), 1695-1703, 2002
Unknown-state, unknown-input reconstruction in discrete-time nonminimum-phase systems: Geometric methods
G Marro, E Zattoni
Automatica 46 (5), 815-822, 2010
Geometric insight into discrete-time cheap and singular linear quadratic Riccati (LQR) problems
G Marro, D Prattichizzo, E Zattoni
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 47 (1), 102-107, 2002
An autonomous valve stiction detection system based on data characterization
A Zakharov, E Zattoni, L Xie, OP Garcia, SL Jämsä-Jounela
Control Engineering Practice 21 (11), 1507-1518, 2013
The output regulation problem with stability for linear switching systems: A geometric approach
E Zattoni, AM Perdon, G Conte
Automatica 49 (10), 2953-2962, 2013
H2-optimal rejection with preview in the continuous-time domain
G Marro, E Zattoni
Automatica 41 (5), 815-821, 2005
Detection of incipient failures by using an H2-norm criterion: Application to railway switching points
E Zattoni
Control Engineering Practice 14 (8), 885-895, 2006
Disturbance decoupling with closed-loop modes stability in switched linear systems
E Zattoni, AM Perdon, G Conte
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (10), 3115-3121, 2015
A performance optimization algorithm for controller reconfiguration in fault tolerant distributed model predictive control
A Zakharov, E Zattoni, M Yu, SL Jämsä-Jounela
Journal of Process Control 34, 56-69, 2015
Necessary and sufficient conditions for asymptotic model matching of switching linear systems
AM Perdon, G Conte, E Zattoni
Automatica 64, 294-304, 2016
A unified setting for decoupling with preview and fixed-lag smoothing in the geometric context
G Marro, D Prattichizzo, E Zattoni
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 51 (5), 809-813, 2006
Output regulation by error dynamic feedback in hybrid systems with periodic state jumps
E Zattoni, AM Perdon, G Conte
Automatica 81, 322-334, 2017
l-Delay Input and Initial-State Reconstruction for Discrete-Time Linear Systems
S Kirtikar, H Palanthandalam-Madapusi, E Zattoni, DS Bernstein
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 30, 233-262, 2011
Decoupling of measurable signals via self-bounded controlled invariant subspaces: Minimal unassignable dynamics of feedforward units for prestabilized systems
E Zattoni
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 52 (1), 140-143, 2007
The disturbance decoupling problem for jumping hybrid systems
G Conte, AM Perdon, E Zattoni
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1589-1594, 2015
Disturbance decoupling with stability in continuous-time switched linear systems under dwell-time switching
E Zattoni, AM Perdon, G Conte
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 164-169, 2014
Structural invariant subspaces of singular Hamiltonian systems and nonrecursive solutions of finite-horizon optimal control problems
E Zattoni
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 53 (5), 1279-1284, 2008
Self-bounded controlled invariant subspaces in model following by output feedback: Minimal-order solution for nonminimum-phase systems
G Marro, E Zattoni
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 125, 409-429, 2005
Disturbance decoupling in hybrid linear systems with state jumps
AM Perdon, E Zattoni, G Conte
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (12), 6552-6559, 2017
Model matching problems for switching linear systems
G Conte, AM Perdon, E Zattoni
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 1501-1506, 2014
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Articles 1–20