Erik P. de Vink
Cited by
Cited by
Control flow semantics
JW De Bakker, E De Vink
MIT press, 1996
Bisimulation for probabilistic transition systems: a coalgebraic approach
EP de Vink, JJMM Rutten
Theoretical Computer Science 221 (1-2), 271-293, 1999
The mCRL2 toolset for analysing concurrent systems: improvements in expressivity and usability
O Bunte, JF Groote, JJA Keiren, M Laveaux, T Neele, EP de Vink, ...
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 25th …, 2019
An overview of the mCRL2 toolset and its recent advances
S Cranen, JF Groote, JJA Keiren, FPM Stappers, EP De Vink, ...
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 19th …, 2013
Probabilistic automata: system types, parallel composition and comparison
A Sokolova, EP De Vink
Validation of Stochastic Systems: A Guide to Current Research, 1-43, 2004
A hierarchy of probabilistic system types
F Bartels, A Sokolova, E de Vink
Theoretical Computer Science 327 (1-2), 3-22, 2004
A formalization of anonymity and onion routing
S Mauw, JHS Verschuren, EP de Vink
Computer Security–ESORICS 2004: 9th European Symposium on Research in …, 2004
Verifying probabilistic programs using a Hoare like logic
JI Den Hartog, EP de Vink
International journal of foundations of computer science 13 (03), 315-340, 2002
Reo + mCRL2 : A framework for model-checking dataflow in service compositions
N Kokash, C Krause, E De Vink
Formal Aspects of Computing 24 (2), 187-216, 2012
Verification and improvement of the sliding window protocol
D Chkliaev, J Hooman, E De Vink
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 9th …, 2003
Injective synchronisation: An extension of the authentication hierarchy
CJF Cremers, S Mauw, EP de Vink
Theoretical Computer Science 367 (1-2), 139-161, 2006
Formalising receipt-freeness
HL Jonker, EP de Vink
Information Security: 9th International Conference, ISC 2006, Samos Island …, 2006
Continuation semantics for Prolog with cut
A de Bruin, EP de Vink
Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming, 178-192, 1989
Time and data-aware analysis of graphical service models in Reo
N Kokash, C Krause, EP de Vink
2010 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal …, 2010
Dreams: a framework for distributed synchronous coordination
J Proença, D Clarke, E De Vink, F Arbab
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1510-1515, 2012
A hierarchy of probabilistic system types
F Bartels, A Sokolova, E de Vink
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 82 (1), 57-75, 2003
Denotational models for programming languages: applications of Banach's Fixed Point Theorem
JW de Bakker, EP de Vink
Topology and its Applications 85 (1-3), 35-52, 1998
Family-based model checking with mCRL2
MH ter Beek, EP de Vink, TAC Willemse
International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering …, 2017
Control Flow Semantics. Foundations of Computing Series
JW de Bakker, EP de Vink
The MIT Press, 1996
Synchronous coordination of distributed components
J Proença
Leiden University, 2011
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20