Ana Meštrović
Ana Meštrović
Full Professor, Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies, University of Rijeka
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An overview of graph-based keyword extraction methods and approaches
S Beliga, A Meštrović, S Martinčić-Ipšić
Journal of information and organizational sciences 39 (1), 1-20, 2015
Multilayer network of language: A unified framework for structural analysis of linguistic subsystems
S Martinčić-Ipšić, D Margan, A Meštrović
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 457, 117-128, 2016
Survey of neural text representation models
K Babić, S Martinčić-Ipšić, A Meštrović
Information 11 (11), 511, 2020
Selectivity-based keyword extraction method
S Beliga, A Meštrović, S Martinčić-Ipšić
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) 12 (3 …, 2016
Adaptivity in educational systems for language learning: a review
V Slavuj, A Meštrović, B Kovačić
Computer Assisted Language Learning 30 (1-2), 64-90, 2017
Toward selectivity based keyword extraction for Croatian news
S Beliga, A Meštrović, S Martinčić-Ipšić
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.4723, 2014
Structural analysis of factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge in a multidimensional knowledge network
Đ Vukić, S Martinčić-Ipšić, A Meštrović
Complexity 2020 (1), 9407162, 2020
Corpus-based paraphrase detection experiments and review
T Vrbanec, A Meštrović
Information 11 (5), 241, 2020
The struggle with academic plagiarism: Approaches based on semantic similarity
T Vrbanec, A Meštrović
2017 40th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2017
Comparing Network Centrality Measures as Tools for Identifying Key Concepts in Complex Networks: A Case of Wikipedia.
N Matas, S Martinčić-Ipšić, M Ana
Journal of Digital Information Management 15 (4), 2017
Characterisation of COVID-19-related tweets in the Croatian language: framework based on the Cro-CoV-cseBERT model
K Babić, M Petrović, S Beliga, S Martinčić-Ipšić, M Matešić, A Meštrović
Applied Sciences 11 (21), 10442, 2021
Nodes of knowledge method for knowledge representation
M Pavlic, A Jakupovic, A Mestrovic
Informatologia 46 (3), 206, 2013
Comparison of the Nodes of Knowledge method with other graphical methods for knowledge representation
A Jakupovic, M Pavlic, A Mestrovic, V Jovanovic
IEEE 36th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2013
An Ontology-Based Approach to Information Retrieval
A Meštrović, A Calì
Semanitic Keyword-based Search on Structured Data Sources 10151, 150-156, 2017
Graph-Based Formalisms for Knowledge Representation
M Pavlić, A Meštrović, A Jakupović
17th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI …, 2013
Topic modelling of Croatian news during COVID-19 pandemic
PK Bogović, A Meštrović, S Beliga, S Martinčić-Ipšić
2021 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and …, 2021
Network Differences Between Normal and Shuffled Texts: Case of Croatian
D Margan, S Martinčić-Ipšić, A Meštrović
Studies in Computational Intelligence, Complex Networks V, 275-283, 2014
LaNCoA: A Python Toolkit for Language Networks Construction and Analysis
D Margan, A Meštrović
IEEE 38th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2015
Preliminary report on the structure of Croatian linguistic co-occurrence networks
D Margan, S Martinčić-Ipšić, A Meštrović
5th International Conference on Information Technologies and Information …, 2013
A Comparison of Approaches for Measuring the Semantic Similarity of Short Texts Based on Word Embeddings
K Babić, S Martinčić-Ipšić, F Guerra, A Meštrović
Journal of Digital Information Management, 2020
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