Zhenquan Li
Zhenquan Li
Senior Lecturer, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
An accurate and comprehensive model of thin fluid flows with inertia on curved substrates
AJ Roberts, Z Li
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 553, 33-73, 2006
Modelling the dynamics of turbulent floods
AJ Roberts, Z Mei, Z Li
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 63 (2), 423-458, 2003
A mass conservative streamline tracking method for two dimensional CFD velocity fields
Z Li
Journal of flow visualization and image processing 9 (1), 2002
Accuracy analysis of an adaptive mesh refinement method using benchmarks of 2-D steady incompressible lid-driven cavity flows and coarser meshes
Z Li, R Wood
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 275, 262-271, 2015
An adaptive two-dimensional mesh refinement method based on the law of mass conservation
Z Li
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing 15 (1), 2008
An adaptive three-dimensional mesh refinement method based on the law of mass conservation
Z Li
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing 14 (4), 2007
Fuzzified neural network based on fuzzy number operations
Z Li, V Kecman, A Ichikawa
Fuzzy sets and systems 130 (3), 291-304, 2002
Suitability of fuzzy reasoning methods
Z Li
Fuzzy sets and systems 108 (3), 299-311, 1999
An application of the ensemble Kalman filter in epidemiological modelling
R Lal, W Huang, Z Li
Plos one 16 (8), e0256227, 2021
Weak local residuals as smoothness indicators for the shallow water equations
S Mungkasi, Z Li, SG Roberts
Applied Mathematics Letters 30, 51-55, 2014
An adaptive streamline tracking method for three-dimensional CFD velocity fields based on the law of mass conservation
Z Li
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing 13 (4), 2006
Simulation statistical model of reflection from the “clear-sky”
Z Li, VI Lutsenko, SI Khomenko, AY Zatserklyany, IV Lutsenko
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 63 (2-6), 2005
An adaptive streamline tracking method for two-dimensional CFD velocity fields based on the law of mass conservation
Z Li
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing 13 (1), 2006
A mass conservative streamline tracking method for three dimensional CFD velocity fields
Z Li
Proc. FEDSM 3, 1-6, 2003
Mass conservative fluid flow visualization for CFD velocity fields
Z Li, GD Mallinson
KSME international journal 15, 1794-1800, 2001
Accuracy verification of a 2D adaptive mesh refinement method for incompressible or steady flow
Z Li, R Wood
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 318, 259-265, 2017
Sensitivity analysis of a mesh refinement method using the numerical solutions of 2D lid-driven cavity flow
R Lal, Z Li
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 53, 844-867, 2015
Simplification of an existing mass conservative streamline tracking method for two-dimensional CFD velocity fields
Z Li, G Mallinson
IAHS Publications-Series of Proceedings and Reports 289, 269-275, 2004
Accuracy analysis of a mesh refinement method using benchmarks of 2-D lid-driven cavity flows and finer meshes
Z Li
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 52, 1156-1170, 2014
Analysis of 2D Unsteady Flow Past a Square Cylinder at Low Reynolds Numbers with CFD and a mesh refinement method
Z Li
WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics 12, 150-157, 2017
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