Derya Akkaynak
Derya Akkaynak
Head, Lab. for Computational Optics & Light in the Ocean Realm (COLOR Lab) @UHaifa & IUI Eilat
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na - Početna stranica
Sea-thru: A method for removing water from underwater images
D Akkaynak, T Treibitz
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
A revised underwater image formation model
D Akkaynak, T Treibitz
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Avian egg shape: Form, function, and evolution
MC Stoddard, EH Young, D Akkaynak, C Sheard, JA Tobias, ...
Science 356 (6344), 1249-1254, 2017
What is the space of attenuation coefficients in underwater computer vision?
D Akkaynak, T Treibitz, T Shlesinger, Y Loya, R Tamir, D Iluz
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Light, Temperature, Photosynthesis, Heterotrophy, and the Lower Depth Limits of Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems
DT Samuel E Kahng, Derya Akkaynak, Tom Shlesinger, Eric J Hochberg, Jörg ...
Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems, 2019
Use of commercial off-the-shelf digital cameras for scientific data acquisition and scene-specific color calibration
D Akkaynak, T Treibitz, B Xiao, UA Gürkan, JJ Allen, U Demirci, ...
JOSA A 31 (2), 312-321, 2014
SeaThru-NeRF: Neural radiance fields in scattering media
D Levy, A Peleg, N Pearl, D Rosenbaum, D Akkaynak, S Korman, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Biofluorescence in catsharks (Scyliorhinidae): fundamental description and relevance for elasmobranch visual ecology
DF Gruber, ER Loew, DD Deheyn, D Akkaynak, JP Gaffney, WL Smith, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 24751, 2016
Smart Interface Materials Integrated with Microfluidics for On‐Demand Local Capture and Release of Cells
UA Gurkan, S Tasoglu, D Akkaynak, O Avci, S Unluisler, S Canikyan, ...
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2012
A high throughput approach for analysis of cell nuclear deformability at single cell level
M Ermis, D Akkaynak, P Chen, U Demirci, V Hasirci
Scientific reports 6 (1), 36917, 2016
Evolution of avian egg shape: underlying mechanisms and the importance of taxonomic scale
MC Stoddard, C Sheard, D Akkaynak, EH Yong, L Mahadevan, JA Tobias
Ibis, 2019
Quantification of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) camouflage: a study of color and luminance using in situ spectrometry
D Akkaynak, JJ Allen, LM Mäthger, CC Chiao, RT Hanlon
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 199, 211-225, 2013
Mineral formation in the primary polyps of pocilloporoid corals
M Neder, PP Laissue, A Akiva, D Akkaynak, M Albéric, O Spaeker, Y Politi, ...
Acta biomaterialia 96, 631-645, 2019
Cuttlefish adjust body pattern intensity with respect to substrate intensity to aid camouflage, but do not camouflage in extremely low light
KC Buresch, KM Ulmer, D Akkaynak, JJ Allen, LM Mäthger, M Nakamura, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 462, 121-126, 2015
Changeable camouflage: how well can flounder resemble the colour and spatial scale of substrates in their natural habitats?
D Akkaynak, LA Siemann, A Barbosa, LM Mäthger
Royal Society Open Science 4 (3), 160824, 2017
A tunable reflector enabling crustaceans to see but not be seen
K Shavit, A Wagner, L Schertel, V Farstey, D Akkaynak, G Zhang, ...
Science 379 (6633), 695-700, 2023
Technical considerations and methodology for creating high-resolution, color-corrected, and georectified photomosaics of stratigraphic sections at archaeological sites
EC Fisher, D Akkaynak, J Harris, AIR Herries, Z Jacobs, P Karkanas, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 57, 380-394, 2015
In situ Analysis of Coral Recruits Using Fluorescence Imaging
A Zweifler, D Akkaynak, T Mass, T Treibitz
Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 273, 2017
Dramatic fighting by male cuttlefish for a female mate
JJ Allen, D Akkaynak, AK Schnell, RT Hanlon
The American Naturalist 190 (1), 144-151, 2017
Adaptive body patterning, three-dimensional skin morphology and camouflage measures of the slender filefish Monacanthus tuckeri on a Caribbean coral reef
JJ Allen, D Akkaynak, AU Sugden, RT Hanlon
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 116 (2), 377-396, 2015
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