Yuntao Wang
Yuntao Wang
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Improved progressive BKZ algorithms and their precise cost estimation by sharp simulator
Y Aono, Y Wang, T Hayashi, T Takagi
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2016: 35th Annual International Conference …, 2016
Improving key mismatch attack on NewHope with fewer queries
S Okada, Y Wang, T Takagi
Information Security and Privacy: 25th Australasian Conference, ACISP 2020 …, 2020
Ding key exchange
J Ding, T Takagi, X Gao, Y Wang
Technical Report. National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2017
PPNNP: A privacy-preserving neural network prediction with separated data providers using multi-client inner-product encryption
M Zhang, S Huang, G Shen, Y Wang
Computer Standards & Interfaces 84, 103678, 2023
An experimental study of Kannan’s embedding technique for the search LWE problem
Y Wang, Y Aono, T Takagi
International Conference on Information and Communications Security, 541-553, 2017
One sample ring-LWE with rounding and its application to key exchange
J Ding, X Gao, T Takagi, Y Wang
International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 323-343, 2019
TPM-based conditional privacy-preserving authentication protocol in VANETs
M Zhang, B Zhu, Y Li, Y Wang
Symmetry 14 (6), 1123, 2022
Multi-user search on the encrypted multimedia database: lattice-based searchable encryption scheme with time-controlled proxy re-encryption
X Yu, C Xu, B Dou, Y Wang
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80, 3193-3211, 2021
Lattice-Based Searchable Encryption Scheme against Inside Keywords Guessing Attack.
X Yu, C Xu, L Xu, Y Wang
Computers, Materials & Continua 64 (2), 2020
A stochastic variant of the abelian sandpile model
S Kim, Y Wang
Journal of Statistical Physics 178 (3), 711-724, 2020
Improved lattice enumeration algorithms by primal and dual reordering methods
K Yamamura, Y Wang, E Fujisaki
IET Information Security, 1-11, 2022
Why 1.02? The root Hermite factor of LLL and stochastic sandpile models
J Ding, S Kim, T Takagi, Y Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.03285, 2018
A trade-off SVP-solving strategy based on a sharper PNJ-BKZ simulator
L Wang, Y Wang, B Wang
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2023
Recovery Attack on Bob’s Reused Randomness in CRYSTALS-KYBER and SABER
S Okada, Y Wang
Provable and Practical Security: 15th International Conference, ProvSec 2021 …, 2021
Hardness evaluation for search LWE problem using progressive BKZ simulator
Y Wang, Y Aono, T Takagi
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and …, 2018
Message-restriction-free commitment scheme based on lattice assumption
H Miyaji, Y Wang, A Miyaji
Information Security Practice and Experience: 16th International Conference …, 2021
Estimated cost for solving generalized learning with errors problem via embedding techniques
W Wang, Y Wang, A Takayasu, T Takagi
Advances in Information and Computer Security: 13th International Workshop …, 2018
Progressive BKZ library
Y Aono, Y Wang, T Hayashi, T Takagi, 2016
Studying lattice reduction algorithms improved by quick reordering
Y Wang, T Takagi
International Journal of Information Security 20 (2), 257-268, 2020
Improving the BKZ Reduction Algorithm by Quick Reordering Technique
Y Wang, T Takagi
Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, 787-795, 2018
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Articles 1–20