Hee-Kyung Ahn
Hee-Kyung Ahn
Hanyang University Business School
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Helping fellow beings: Anthropomorphized social causes and the role of anticipatory guilt
HK Ahn, HJ Kim, P Aggarwal
Psychological science 25 (1), 224-229, 2014
Consumers’ attitude toward sustainable food products: Ingredients vs. Packaging
S Seo, HK Ahn, J Jeong, J Moon
Sustainability 8 (10), 1073, 2016
Memory markers: How consumers recall the duration of experiences
HK Ahn, MW Liu, D Soman
Journal of Consumer Psychology 19 (3), 508-516, 2009
The influence of categorical attributes on choice context effects
YW Ha, S Park, HK Ahn
Journal of Consumer Research 36 (3), 463-477, 2009
Mental accounting and individual welfare
D Soman, HK Ahn
Perspectives on framing, 65-92, 2011
You have got items to show off your pride: The effects of pride on preference for attention-grabbing products
HK Ahn, SH Kim, WY Ke
European Journal of Marketing 55 (8), 2101-2121, 2021
Being hot or being cold: The influence of temperature on judgment and choice
HK Ahn, N Mazar, D Soman
ACR North American Advances, 2010
Memory for time: A cognitive model of retrospective duration and sequence judgments
HK Ahn, MW Liu, D Soman
Available at SSRN 897933, 2006
The impact of negative publicity on consumer’s attitude toward the firm
YW Ha, HK Ahn, YW Park, KM Kim
J. of Management 33 (1), 241-272, 2004
When the attraction effect disappears: the differential impact of adding common versus unique features on consumer choice
YW Ha, S Park, HK Ahn
Advances in consumer research 31, 37-38, 2004
Corporate brand as a stereotype: Effects of stereotype-incongruent information on stereotype change
HK Ahn, YW Ha
Korea Marketing Review 16 (1), 109-134, 2001
Happiness from What We Have and What We Experience: Attribute Non-alignability Increases Anticipated Satisfaction from Experiential Purchases
M Kim, HK Ahn
Asia Marketing Journal 22 (1), 4, 2020
The effect of temperature primes on impulsivity
HK Ahn
University of Toronto (Canada), 2010
희소성 소구가 제품 정보처리에 미치는 영향: 감정의 조절적 역할
SY Lee, HK Ahn
마케팅연구 27 (4), 1-15, 2012
The Effects of Hot Temperature on Impulsive Behaviors: The Role of Product Types as a Moderator
HK Ahn
Asia Marketing Journal 14 (3), 27-48, 2012
The Effects of Envy on Preference for Self-improvement Products
R Lee, SH Kim, HK Ahn
마케팅연구 35 (1), 119-133, 2020
Muscling My Way to My Positive Future: Physical Exertion of Strength and Preference for Risk
EK Cho, HK Ahn
Asia Marketing Journal 22 (1), 2, 2020
Asymmetrically increasing likelihood judgments of success: Evidence from lottery sales data
CK Cho, HK Ahn, J Lee
Marketing Letters, 1-14, 2024
How the Metaphors of Thermal Concepts Influence Consumer Purchase Behavior: Focusing on Hot and Cool: Focusing on Hot and Cool
S Im, HK Ahn, YW Ha
유통연구 21 (2), 117-124, 2016
Counting Up while Doing Tasks Makes You Feel More Difficult than Counting Down
HK Ahn
Asia Marketing Journal 17 (2), 4, 2015
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Articles 1–20