Matej Varga
Matej Varga
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Accuracy validation and comparison of global digital elevation models over Croatia
M Varga, T Bašić
International journal of remote sensing 36 (1), 170-189, 2015
Colorado geoid computation experiment: overview and summary
YM Wang, L Sánchez, J Ågren, J Huang, R Forsberg, HA Abd-Elmotaal, ...
Journal of geodesy 95, 1-21, 2021
The first pan-Alpine surface-gravity database, a modern compilation that crosses frontiers
P Zahorec, J Papčo, R Pašteka, M Bielik, S Bonvalot, C Braitenberg, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2021, 1-72, 2021
Practical applicability of processing static, short-observation-time raw GNSS measurements provided by a smartphone under tree vegetation
J Tomaštík, M Varga
Measurement 178, 109397, 2021
Empirical comparison of the Geodetic Coordinate Transformation Models: a case study of Croatia
M Varga, M Grgić, T Bašić
Survey Review 49 (352), 15-27, 2017
Empirical research of interpolation methods in distortion modeling for the coordinate transformation between local and global geodetic datums
M Grgić, M Varga, T Bašić
Journal of surveying engineering 142 (2), 05015004, 2016
Contribution of GRAV-D airborne gravity to improvement of regional gravimetric geoid modelling in Colorado, USA
M Varga, M Pitoňák, P Novák, T Bašić
Journal of Geodesy 95 (5), 53, 2021
Quality assessment and comparison of global digital elevation models on the territory of Republic of Croatia
M Varga, T Bašić
Kartografija i geoinformacije 12 (20), 4-17, 2013
The impact of terrestrial gravity data density on geoid accuracy: case study Bilogora in Croatia
O Bjelotomić Oršulić, D Markovinović, M Varga, T Bašić
Survey review 52 (373), 299-308, 2020
Influence of digital elevation model resolution on gravimetric terrain correction over a study-area of Croatia
M Varga, M Grgić, O Bjelotomić Oršulić, T Bašić
Geofizika 36 (1), 17-32, 2019
Coseismic Ground Displacement after the Mw6.2 Earthquake in NW Croatia Determined from Sentinel-1 and GNSS CORS Data
O Bjelotomić Oršulić, D Markovinović, M Varga, T Bašić
Geosciences 11 (4), 170, 2021
MIMO-SAR interferometric measurements for wind turbine tower deformation monitoring
A Baumann-Ouyang, JA Butt, M Varga, A Wieser
Energies 16 (3), 1518, 2023
The Application of Crustal Models in Regional Modelling of the Earth's Gravity Field
M Varga
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy, 2018
The first pan-Alpine surface-gravity database, a modern compilation that crosses frontiers, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 2165–2209
P Zahorec, J Papčo, R Pašteka, M Bielik, S Bonvalot, C Braitenberg, ...
Remote Real-time Riprap Protection Erosion Assessment on large rivers
G Gilja, A Cikojević, K Potočki, M Varga, N Adžaga
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1933, 2020
Night-time Geomagnetic Field Observations on the POKUpsko Repeat Station
D Šugar, M Varga, M Cindrić
Geodetski list 67 (1), 13-27, 2013
Advances in the realisation of the International Height Reference System
L Sánchez, J Ågren, J Huang, YM Wang, J Mäkinen, H Denker, J Ihde, ...
GGOS Days 2019, 2019
Advances in the establishment of the International Height Reference Frame (IHRF)
L Sánchez, J Ågren, J Huang, M Véronneau, YM Wang, D Roman, ...
International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2018 (GGHS2018 …, 2018
Uspostava ekološke mreže Natura 2000 i uloga INSPIRE direktive
M Grgić, M Varga
Ekscentar, 54-57, 2013
ScourBuoy-concept for scour monitoring system
A Harasti, G Gilja, M Varga, R Fliszar
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-131, 2021
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Articles 1–20