Rafael Jaramillo
Rafael Jaramillo
Associate Professor of Materials Science and Enginering, MIT
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Cited by
Cited by
3.88% efficient tin sulfide solar cells using congruent thermal evaporation
V Steinmann, R Jaramillo, K Hartman, R Chakraborty, RE Brandt, ...
Adv. Mater 26 (44), 7488-7492, 2014
Direct measurement of antiferromagnetic domain fluctuations
OG Shpyrko, ED Isaacs, JM Logan, Y Feng, G Aeppli, R Jaramillo, ...
Nature 447 (7140), 68-71, 2007
Origins of bad-metal conductivity and the insulator–metal transition in the rare-earth nickelates
R Jaramillo, SD Ha, DM Silevitch, S Ramanathan
Nature Physics 10 (4), 304-307, 2014
Co‐optimization of SnS absorber and Zn (O, S) buffer materials for improved solar cells
HH Park, R Heasley, L Sun, V Steinmann, R Jaramillo, K Hartman, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 23 (7), 901-908, 2015
Order parameter fluctuations at a buried quantum critical point
Y Feng, J Wang, R Jaramillo, J Van Wezel, S Haravifard, G Srajer, Y Liu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (19), 7224-7229, 2012
Recent advances in 2D material theory, synthesis, properties, and applications
YC Lin, R Torsi, R Younas, CL Hinkle, AF Rigosi, HM Hill, K Zhang, ...
ACS nano 17 (11), 9694-9747, 2023
Dopant activation in Sn-doped Ga2O3 investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
SC Siah, RE Brandt, K Lim, LT Schelhas, R Jaramillo, MD Heinemann, ...
Applied Physics Letters 107 (25), 2015
Signatures of quantum criticality in pure Cr at high pressure
R Jaramillo, Y Feng, J Wang, TF Rosenbaum
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (31), 13631-13635, 2010
Transient terahertz photoconductivity measurements of minority-carrier lifetime in tin sulfide thin films: Advanced metrology for an early stage photovoltaic material
R Jaramillo, MJ Sher, BK Ofori-Okai, V Steinmann, C Yang, K Hartman, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (3), 2016
Variations of ionization potential and electron affinity as a function of surface orientation: The case of orthorhombic SnS
V Stevanović, K Hartman, R Jaramillo, S Ramanathan, T Buonassisi, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (21), 2014
Making BaZrS3 Chalcogenide Perovskite Thin Films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
I Sadeghi, K Ye, M Xu, Y Li, JM LeBeau, R Jaramillo
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (45), 2105563, 2021
Optimal bandgap in a 2D Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite chalcogenide for single-junction solar cells
S Niu, D Sarkar, K Williams, Y Zhou, Y Li, E Bianco, H Huyan, SB Cronin, ...
Chemistry of Materials 30 (15), 4882-4886, 2018
Hall effect measurements on epitaxial SmNiO thin films and implications for antiferromagnetism
SD Ha, R Jaramillo, DM Silevitch, F Schoofs, K Kerman, JD Baniecki, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (12), 125150, 2013
Invited article: High-pressure techniques for condensed matter physics at low temperature
Y Feng, R Jaramillo, J Wang, Y Ren, TF Rosenbaum
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (4), 2010
Breakdown of the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer ground state at a quantum phase transition
R Jaramillo, Y Feng, JC Lang, Z Islam, G Srajer, PB Littlewood, ...
Nature 459 (7245), 405-409, 2009
High pressure synthesis of SmNiO 3 thin films and implications for thermodynamics of the nickelates
R Jaramillo, F Schoofs, SD Ha, S Ramanathan
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1 (13), 2455-2462, 2013
Crystal growth and structural analysis of perovskite chalcogenide BaZrS3 and Ruddlesden–Popper phase Ba3Zr2S7
S Niu, B Zhao, K Ye, E Bianco, J Zhou, ME McConney, C Settens, ...
Journal of Materials Research 34 (22), 3819-3826, 2019
Stable metal–insulator transition in epitaxial SmNiO3 thin films
SD Ha, M Otaki, R Jaramillo, A Podpirka, S Ramanathan
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 190, 233-237, 2012
Kelvin force microscopy studies of work function of transparent conducting ZnO: Al electrodes synthesized under varying oxygen pressures
R Jaramillo, S Ramanathan
Solar energy materials and solar cells 95 (2), 602-605, 2011
Pressure-tuned spin and charge ordering in an itinerant antiferromagnet
Y Feng, R Jaramillo, G Srajer, JC Lang, Z Islam, MS Somayazulu, ...
Physical review letters 99 (13), 137201, 2007
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Articles 1–20