Bryan A. O'Gorman
Bryan A. O'Gorman
IBM Quantum
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From the quantum approximate optimization algorithm to a quantum alternating operator ansatz
S Hadfield, Z Wang, B O’gorman, EG Rieffel, D Venturelli, R Biswas
Algorithms 12 (2), 34, 2019
Quantum approximate optimization of non-planar graph problems on a planar superconducting processor
MP Harrigan, KJ Sung, M Neeley, KJ Satzinger, F Arute, K Arya, J Atalaya, ...
Nature Physics 17 (3), 332-336, 2021
OpenFermion: the electronic structure package for quantum computers
JR McClean, NC Rubin, KJ Sung, ID Kivlichan, X Bonet-Monroig, Y Cao, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 5 (3), 034014, 2020
Quantum optimization of fully connected spin glasses
D Venturelli, S Mandrà, S Knysh, B O’Gorman, R Biswas, V Smelyanskiy
Physical Review X 5 (3), 031040, 2015
A case study in programming a quantum annealer for hard operational planning problems
EG Rieffel, D Venturelli, B O’Gorman, MB Do, EM Prystay, ...
Quantum Information Processing 14, 1-36, 2015
Unbiasing fermionic quantum Monte Carlo with a quantum computer
WJ Huggins, BA O’Gorman, NC Rubin, DR Reichman, R Babbush, J Lee
Nature 603 (7901), 416-420, 2022
A non-orthogonal variational quantum eigensolver
WJ Huggins, J Lee, U Baek, B O’Gorman, KB Whaley
New Journal of Physics 22 (7), 073009, 2020
Quantum annealing applied to de-conflicting optimal trajectories for air traffic management
T Stollenwerk, B O’Gorman, D Venturelli, S Mandra, O Rodionova, H Ng, ...
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 21 (1), 285-297, 2019
A NASA perspective on quantum computing: Opportunities and challenges
R Biswas, Z Jiang, K Kechezhi, S Knysh, S Mandra, B O’Gorman, ...
Parallel Computing 64, 81-98, 2017
A hybrid quantum-classical approach to solving scheduling problems
T Tran, M Do, E Rieffel, J Frank, Z Wang, B O'Gorman, D Venturelli, J Beck
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 7 (1), 98-106, 2016
Bayesian network structure learning using quantum annealing
B O’Gorman, R Babbush, A Perdomo-Ortiz, A Aspuru-Guzik, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 224, 163-188, 2015
Generalized swap networks for near-term quantum computing
B O'Gorman, WJ Huggins, EG Rieffel, KB Whaley
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.05118, 2019
Construction of energy functions for lattice heteropolymer models: Efficient encodings for constraint satisfaction programming and quantum annealing
R Babbush, A Perdomo‐Ortiz, B O'Gorman, W Macready, A Aspuru‐Guzik
Advances in Chemical Physics: Volume 155, 201-244, 2014
Readiness of quantum optimization machines for industrial applications
A Perdomo-Ortiz, A Feldman, A Ozaeta, SV Isakov, Z Zhu, B O’Gorman, ...
Physical Review Applied 12 (1), 014004, 2019
Quantum approximate optimization with hard and soft constraints
S Hadfield, Z Wang, EG Rieffel, B O'Gorman, D Venturelli, R Biswas
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Post Moores Era …, 2017
Resource efficient gadgets for compiling adiabatic quantum optimization problems
R Babbush, B O'Gorman, A Aspuru‐Guzik
Annalen der Physik 525 (10-11), 877-888, 2013
Determination and correction of persistent biases in quantum annealers
A Perdomo-Ortiz, B O’Gorman, J Fluegemann, R Biswas, VN Smelyanskiy
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 18628, 2016
Quantum circuit compilation: An emerging application for automated reasoning
D Venturelli, M Do, B O'Gorman, J Frank, E Rieffel, KEC Booth, T Nguyen, ...
Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop, 2019
Quantum processor problem compilation
A Aspuru-Guzik, R Babbush, B O'gorman
US Patent 10,346,748, 2019
Sukin Sim, Damian S Steiger, Mark Steudtner, Qiming Sun, Wei Sun, Daochen Wang, Fang Zhang, and Ryan Babbush. Openfermion: the electronic structure package for quantum computers
JR McClean, NC Rubin, KJ Sung, ID Kivlichan, X Bonet-Monroig, Y Cao, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 5 (3), 034014, 2020
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