Jurate Maciunas Landwehr
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Cited by
Probability weighted moments: definition and relation to parameters of several distributions expressable in inverse form
JA Greenwood, JM Landwehr, NC Matalas, JR Wallis
WaterResourcesResearch 15 (5), 1049-1054, 1979
Continuous 500,000-year climate record from vein calcite in Devils Hole, Nevada
IJ Winograd, TB Coplen, JM Landwehr, AC Riggs, KR Ludwig, BJ Szabo, ...
Science 258 (5080), 255-257, 1992
Probability weighted moments compared with some traditional techniques in estimating Gumbel parameters and quantiles
JM Landwehr, NC Matalas, JR Wallis
Water resources research 15 (5), 1055-1064, 1979
Hydro-climatic data network (HCDN); a US Geological Survey streamflow data set for the United States for the study of climate variations, 1874-1988
JR Slack, JM Landwehr
Open-file report, 1992
Duration and structure of the past four interglaciations
IJ Winograd, JM Landwehr, KR Ludwig, TB Coplen, AC Riggs
Quaternary Research 48 (2), 141-154, 1997
Mass-spectrometric 230Th-234U-238U dating of the Devils Hole calcite vein
KR Ludwig, KR Simmons, BJ Szabo, IJ Winograd, JM Landwehr, ...
Science 258 (5080), 284, 1992
Line-conditioned excess: a new method for characterizing stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios in hydrologic systems
JM Landwehr, TB Coplen
Isotopes in Environmental Studies, Aquatic Forum 2004, IAEA-CSP-26,, 2006
Habitat requirements for submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay: Water quality, light regime, and physical-chemical factors
W Michael Kemp, R Batleson, P Bergstrom, V Carter, CL Gallegos, ...
Estuaries 27, 363-377, 2004
Hydro-Climatic Data Network: A US Geological Survey streamflow data set for the United States for the study of climate variations, 1874-1988. USGS OFR 92-129
JR Slack, JM Landwehr
US Geological Survey, Washington, DC Available from …, 1992
A Comparison of Several Water Quality Indexes
JM Landwehr, RA Deininger
J. Water Pollution Control Federation 48 (5), 954-958, 1976
Global water data: A newly endangered species
Ad Hoc Group, C Vörösmarty, A Askew, W Grabs, RG Barry, C Birkett, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 82 (5), 54-58, 2001
Estimation of parameters and quantiles of Wakeby Distributions 2. Known lower bounds
JM Landwehr, NC Matalas, JR Wallis
Water Resources Research 15 (6), 1373-1379, 1979
Estimation of parameters and quantiles of Wakeby Distributions: 1. Unknown lower bounds
JM Landwehr, NC Matalas, JR Wallis
Water Resources Research 15 (6), 1361-1372, 1979
δ13C and δ18O isotopic composition of CaCO3 measured by continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry: statistical evaluation and verification by application to Devils Hole …
KM Révész, JM Landwehr
Rapid communications in mass spectrometry 16 (22), 2102-2114, 2002
Sources, Transport, and Storage of Sediment at Selected Sites in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, USGS SIR 2008-5186
AC Gellis, CR Hupp, MJ Pavich, JM Landwehr, WL Banks, BE Hubbard, ...
U.S.Geological Survey, 2009
Water quality index application in the Kansas River basin
NI McClelland, RM Brown, RA Deininger, JM Landwehr
Ann. Conf. Wat. Pollut. Control. Fed., 46th, 1973
500,000-year stable carbon isotopic record from Devils Hole, Nevada
TB Coplen, IJ Winograd, JM Landwehr, AC Riggs
Science 263 (5145), 361, 1994
Some comparisons of flood statistics in real and log space
JM Landwehr, NC Matalas, JR Wallis
Water Resources Research 14 (5), 902-920, 1978
Long‐term changes in abundance and diversity of macrophyte and waterfowl populations in an estuary with exotic macrophytes and improving water quality
NB Rybicki, JM Landwehr
Limnology and Oceanography 52 (3), 1195-1207, 2007
Devils Hole, Nevada, δ18O record extended to the mid-Holocene
IJ Winograd, JM Landwehr, TB Coplen, WD Sharp, AC Riggs, KR Ludwig, ...
Quaternary Research 66 (2), 202-212, 2006
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Articles 1–20