Peter Halacsy
Peter Halacsy
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Cited by
Parallel corpora for medium density languages
D Varga, P Halácsy, A Kornai, V Nagy, L Németh, V Trón
Recent advances in natural language processing IV: selected papers from …, 2008
HunPos-an open source trigram tagger
P Halácsy, A Kornai, C Oravecz
Creating open language resources for Hungarian
P Halácsy, A Kornai, N László, R András, I Szakadát, T Viktor
Hunmorph: open source word analysis
T Viktor, G Gyorgy, P Halácsy, A Kornai, N Laszlo, D Varga
Morphdb. hu: Hungarian lexical database and morphological grammar.
V Trón, P Halácsy, P Rebrus, A Rung, P Vajda, E Simon
LREC, 1670-1673, 2006
Web-based frequency dictionaries for medium density languages
A Kornai, P Halácsy, V Nagy, C Oravecz, V Trón, D Varga
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Web as Corpus, 2006
Leveraging the open source ispell codebase for minority language analysis
L Németh, V Trón, P Halácsy, A Kornai, A Rung, I Szakadát
Proceedings of SALTMIL, 56-59, 2004
Accelerometer based real-time gesture recognition
Z Prekopcsák, P Halácsy, C Gáspár-Papanek
Proceedings of the 12th International Student Conference on Electrical …, 2008
Benefits of deep NLP-based Lemmatization for Information Retrieval.
P Halácsy, V Trón
CLEF (Working Notes), 2006
Design and development of an everyday hand gesture interface
Z Prekopcsák, P Halácsy, C Gáspár-Papanek
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Human computer …, 2008
Prezi meeting: collaboration in a zoomable canvas based environment
L Laufer, P Halácsy, A Somlai-Fischer
CHI'11 extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems, 749-752, 2011
Using a morphological analyzer in high precision POS tagging of Hungarian
P Halácsy, A Kornai, C Oravecz, T Vikto, D Varga
morphdb. hu: magyar morfológiai nyelvtan és szótári adatbázis
T Viktor, H Péter, R Péter, R András, S Eszter, V Péter
III Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia, 2005
A Szószablya projekt
P Halácsy, A Kornai, L Németh, A Rung, I Szakadát
Grouping with frames to transform display elements within a zooming user interface
P Németh, BB Gábor, Á Somlai-Fisher, D Udvardy, D Gauquelin, L Laufer, ...
US Patent 9,207,951, 2015
A Hunglish korpusz és szótár
P Halácsy, A Kornai, L Németh, B Sass, D Varga, T Váradi, A Vonyó
Altalános célú morfológiai elemzo kimeneti formalizmusa (The output formalism of a general-purpose morphological analyzer)
A Kornai, P Rebrus, P Vajda, P Halácsy, A Rung, V Trón
Proceedings of the 2nd Hungarian Computational Linguistics Conference, 2004
Benefits of resource-based stemming in Hungarian information retrieval
P Halácsy, V Trón
Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 99-106, 2006
Parallel creation of gigaword corpora for medium density languages: an interim report
P Halácsy, A Kornai, P Németh, D Varga
Google for the Linguist on a Budget
A Kornai, P Halácsy
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Articles 1–20