Robert Futrelle
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Cited by
Cell behavior in Dictyostelium discoideum: preaggregation response to localized cyclic AMP pulses.
RP Futrelle, J Traut, WG McKEE
The Journal of cell biology 92 (3), 807-821, 1982
Extraction, layout analysis and classification of diagrams in PDF documents.
RP Futrelle, M Shao, C Cieslik, AE Grimes
ICDAR 3, 1007-1014, 2003
Recognition and classification of figures in PDF documents
M Shao, RP Futrelle
Graphics Recognition. Ten Years Review and Future Perspectives: 6th …, 2006
Understanding diagrams in technical documents
RP Futrelle, IA Kakadiaris, J Alexander, CM Carriero, N Nikolakis, ...
Computer 25 (7), 75-78, 1992
Summarization of diagrams in documents
RP Futrelle
Advances in Automated Text Summarization, 403-421, 1999
Efficient analysis of complex diagrams using constraint-based parsing
RP Futrelle, N Nikolakis
Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Document Analysis and …, 1995
Dictyostelium chemotactic response to spatial and temporal gradients. Theories of the limits of chemotactic sensitivity and of pseudochemotaxis
RP Futrelle
Journal of cellular biochemistry 18 (2), 197-212, 1982
How molecules get to their detectors: the physics of diffusion of insect pheromones
RP Futrelle
Trends in Neurosciences 7 (4), 116-120, 1984
Ambiguity in visual language theory and its role in diagram parsing
RP Futrelle
Proceedings 1999 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages, 172-175, 1999
Experiments in automatic word class and word sense identification for information retrieval
S Gauch, RP Futrelle
Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and …, 1994
The system design for GALATEA, an interactive real-time computer graphics system for movie and video analysis
RP Futrelle, MJ Potel
Computers & Graphics 1 (1), 115-121, 1975
Creating a knowledge base of biological research papers.
CD Hafner, K Baclawski, RP Futrelle, NF Noy, S Sampath
ISMB 2, 147-155, 1994
Handling figures in document summarization
RP Futrelle
Text Summarization Branches Out, 61-65, 2004
Database Techniques for Biological Materials and Methods.
K Baclawski, RP Futrelle, NF Noy, MJ Pescitelli
ISMB, 21-28, 1993
Strategies for Diagram Understanding Object/Spatial Data Structures, Animate Vision, and Generalized Equivalence
RP Futrelle
Proceedings of the 10th ICPR, 403-408, 1990
Data/knowledge bases for biological papers and techniques
K Baclawski, R Futrelle, C Hafner, M Pescitelli, N Fridman, B Li, C Zou
Proc. Sympos. Adv. Data Management for the Scientist and Engineer, 23-28, 1993
Strategies for diagram understanding: generalized equivalence, spatial/object pyramids and animate vision
RP Futrelle
[1990] Proceedings. 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition 1 …, 1990
Extraction of motion data by interactive image processing
RP Futrelle, GC Speckert
Proc. IEEE Conf. Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, 405-408, 1978
NLP-NG—A new NLP system for biomedical text analysis
RP Futrelle, J Satterley, T McCormack
2009 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine …, 2009
Preprocessing and lexicon design for parsing technical text
RP Futrelle, CE Dunn, DS Ellis, MJ Pescitelli Jr
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Parsing Technologies, 31-40, 1991
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Articles 1–20