Ben Burton Balsley  Ph.D.
Ben Burton Balsley Ph.D.
Research Professor CIRES. Fellow University of Colorado
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CASES-99: A comprehensive investigation of the stable nocturnal boundary layer
GS Poulos, W Blumen, DC Fritts, JK Lundquist, J Sun, SP Burns, C Nappo, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 83 (4), 555-582, 2002
Equatorial spread F: Implications of VHF radar observations
DT Farley, BB Balsey, RF Woodman, JP McClure
Journal of Geophysical Research 75 (34), 7199-7216, 1970
Long‐term observations of the Arctic mesosphere with the MST radar at Poker Flat, Alaska
WL Ecklund, BB Balsley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 86 (A9), 7775-7780, 1981
A UHF wind profiler for the boundary layer: Brief description and initial results
WL Ecklund, DA Carter, BB Balsley
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 5 (3), 432-441, 1988
The MST radar technique: Potential for middle atmospheric studies
BB Balsley, KS Gage
Pure and Applied Geophysics 118, 452-493, 1980
Doppler radar probing of the clear atmosphere
KS Gage, BB Balsley
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 59 (9), 1074-1094, 1978
On the scattering and reflection mechanisms contributing to clear air radar echoes from the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesophere
KS Gage, BB Balsley
Radio Science 15 (2), 243-257, 1980
Atmospheric disturbances that generate intermittent turbulence in nocturnal boundary layers
J Sun, DH Lenschow, SP Burns, RM Banta, RK Newsom, R Coulter, ...
Boundary-layer meteorology 110, 255-279, 2004
VHF echoes from the high-latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere: Observations and interpretations
BB Balsley, WL Ecklund, DC Fritts
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 40 (10), 2451-2466, 1983
Field‐aligned E‐region irregularities identified with acoustic plasma waves
KL Bowles, BB Balsley, R Cohen
Journal of Geophysical Research 68 (9), 2485-2501, 1963
Some characteristics of non‐two‐stream irregularities in the equatorial electrojet
BB Balsley
Journal of Geophysical Research 74 (9), 2333-2347, 1969
The spectrum of atmospheric velocity fluctuations at 8 km and 86 km
BB Balsley, DA Carter
Geophysical Research Letters 9 (4), 465-468, 1982
Vertical structure of the VHF backscattering region in the equatorial electrojet and the gradient drift instability
BG Fejer, DT Farley, BB Balsley, RF Woodman
Journal of Geophysical Research 80 (10), 1313-1324, 1975
Evidence for a Rayleigh‐Taylor type instability and upwelling of depleted density regions during equatorial spread F
MC Kelley, G Haerendel, H Kappler, A Valenzuela, BB Balsley, DA Carter, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 3 (8), 448-450, 1976
The MATERHORN: Unraveling the intricacies of mountain weather
HJS Fernando, ER Pardyjak, S Di Sabatino, FK Chow, SFJ De Wekker, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 96 (11), 1945-1967, 2015
Equatorial spread F: Recent observations and a new interpretation
BB Balsley, G Haerendel, RA Greenwald
Journal of Geophysical Research 77 (28), 5625-5628, 1972
Comparison of simultaneous MST radar and electron density probe measurements during STATE
JC Ulwick, KD Baker, MC Kelley, BB Balsley, WL Ecklund
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 93 (D6), 6989-7000, 1988
Measurements of boundary layer profiles in an urban environment
R Frehlich, Y Meillier, ML Jensen, B Balsley, R Sharman
Journal of applied meteorology and climatology 45 (6), 821-837, 2006
Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis: Molossidae, Chiroptera) at high altitude: links to migratory insect populations
GF McCracken, EH Gillam, JK Westbrook, YF Lee, ML Jensen, BB Balsley
Integrative and Comparative Biology 48 (1), 107-118, 2008
On the use of radars for operational wind profiling
BB Balsley, KS Gage
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 63 (9), 1009-1018, 1982
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