Yunyi Zhang
Cited by
Cited by
Text classification using label names only: A language model self-training approach
Y Meng, Y Zhang, J Huang, C Xiong, H Ji, C Zhang, J Han
EMNLP 2020, 2020
Scaling Deep Contrastive Learning Batch Size under Memory Limited Setup
L Gao, Y Zhang, J Han, J Callan
RepL4NLP@ACL2021, 2021
Distantly-Supervised Named Entity Recognition with Noise-Robust Learning and Language Model Augmented Self-Training
Y Meng, Y Zhang, J Huang, X Wang, Y Zhang, H Ji, J Han
EMNLP 2021, 2021
Hierarchical topic mining via joint spherical tree and text embedding
Y Meng, Y Zhang, J Huang, Y Zhang, C Zhang, J Han
Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2020
Topic discovery via latent space clustering of pretrained language model representations
Y Meng, Y Zhang, J Huang, Y Zhang, J Han
Proceedings of the ACM web conference 2022, 3143-3152, 2022
Empower Entity Set Expansion via Language Model Probing
Y Zhang, J Shen, J Shang, J Han
ACL 2020, 2020
Corel: Seed-guided topical taxonomy construction by concept learning and relation transferring
J Huang, Y Xie, Y Meng, Y Zhang, J Han
Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2020
Guiding corpus-based set expansion by auxiliary sets generation and co-expansion
J Huang, Y Xie, Y Meng, J Shen, Y Zhang, J Han
Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020, 2188-2198, 2020
Corpus-based Open-Domain Event Type Induction
J Shen, Y Zhang, H Ji, J Han
EMNLP 2021, 2021
Effective seed-guided topic discovery by integrating multiple types of contexts
Y Zhang, Y Zhang, M Michalski, Y Jiang, Y Meng, J Han
Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and …, 2023
Teleclass: Taxonomy enrichment and llm-enhanced hierarchical text classification with minimal supervision
Y Zhang, R Yang, X Xu, R Li, J Xiao, J Shen, J Han
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.00165, 2024
Unsupervised key event detection from massive text corpora
Y Zhang, F Guo, J Shen, J Han
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD conference on knowledge discovery and …, 2022
PIEClass: Weakly-supervised text classification with prompting and noise-robust iterative ensemble training
Y Zhang, M Jiang, Y Meng, Y Zhang, J Han
EMNLP 2023, 2023
Weakly supervised multi-label classification of full-text scientific papers
Y Zhang, B Jin, X Chen, Y Shen, Y Zhang, Y Meng, J Han
Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and …, 2023
Unsupervised event chain mining from multiple documents
Y Jiao, M Zhong, J Shen, Y Zhang, C Zhang, J Han
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, 1948-1959, 2023
Ontology enrichment for effective fine-grained entity typing
S Ouyang, J Huang, P Pillai, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, J Han
Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and …, 2024
Unsupervised story discovery from continuous news streams via scalable thematic embedding
S Yoon, D Lee, Y Zhang, J Han
Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2023
Entity set co-expansion in stackoverflow
Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Jiang, M Michalski, Y Deng, L Popa, CX Zhai, J Han
2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 4792-4795, 2022
A Unified Taxonomy-Guided Instruction Tuning Framework for Entity Set Expansion and Taxonomy Expansion
Y Shen, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, J Han
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.13405, 2024
Seed-Guided Fine-Grained Entity Typing in Science and Engineering Domains
Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Shen, Y Deng, L Popa, L Shwartz, CX Zhai, J Han
AAAI 2024, 19606-19614, 2024
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Articles 1–20