Christos Efstratiou
Christos Efstratiou
Reader, School of Computing, University of Kent
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Developing a context-aware electronic tourist guide: some issues and experiences
K Cheverst, N Davies, K Mitchell, A Friday, C Efstratiou
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2000
Don't kill my ads! balancing privacy in an ad-supported mobile application market
I Leontiadis, C Efstratiou, M Picone, C Mascolo
Proceedings of the Twelfth Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems …, 2012
Parksense: A smartphone based sensing system for on-street parking
S Nawaz, C Efstratiou, C Mascolo
Proceedings of the 19th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2013
System and method to support gaming in an electronic network
PG Raverdy, NAJ Davies, OD Storz, C Efstratiou, S Corporation, SE Inc., ...
US Patent 6,884,162, 2005
An architecture for the effective support of adaptive context-aware applications
C Efstratiou, K Cheverst, N Davies, A Friday
Mobile Data Management, 15-26, 2001
SenShare: transforming sensor networks into multi-application sensing infrastructures
I Leontiadis, C Efstratiou, C Mascolo, J Crowcroft
Wireless Sensor Networks: 9th European Conference, EWSN 2012, Trento, Italy …, 2012
Using context as a crystal ball: Rewards and pitfalls
K Cheverst, N Davies, K Mitchell, C Efstratiou
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 5, 8-11, 2001
System and method for effectively providing user information from a user device
PG Raverdy, NAJ Davies, OD Storz, C Efstratiou, S Corporation, SE Inc., ...
US Patent 7,493,368, 2009
System and method for streaming video information to a user device
P Raverdy, NAJ Davies, OD Storz, C Efstratiou
US Patent App. 20,020/069,419, 2001
Tracking serendipitous interactions: How individual cultures shape the office
C Brown, C Efstratiou, I Leontiadis, D Quercia, C Mascolo
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 2014
Utilising the event calculus for policy driven adaptation on mobile systems
C Efstratiou, A Friday, N Davies, K Cheverst
Proceedings Third International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems …, 2002
METIS: Exploring mobile phone sensing offloading for efficiently supporting social sensing applications
KK Rachuri, C Efstratiou, I Leontiadis, C Mascolo, PJ Rentfrow
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2013
The architecture of innovation: Tracking face-to-face interactions with ubicomp technologies
C Brown, C Efstratiou, I Leontiadis, D Quercia, C Mascolo, J Scott, P Key
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2014
Sensor networks or smart artifacts? An exploration of organizational issues of an industrial health and safety monitoring system
G Kortuem, D Alford, L Ball, J Busby, N Davies, C Efstratiou, J Finney, ...
UbiComp 2007: Ubiquitous Computing: 9th International Conference, UbiComp …, 2007
Reflections on the long-term use of an experimental digital signage system
S Clinch, N Davies, A Friday, C Efstratiou
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Ubiquitous computing …, 2011
weSport: Utilising wrist-band sensing to detect player activities in basketball games
L Bai, C Efstratiou, CS Ang
2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication …, 2016
Reflections on Long-Term Experiments with Public Displays
A Friday, N Davies, C Efstratiou
IEEE Computer 45 (5), 34-41, 2012
Sense and Sensibility in a Pervasive World
C Efstratiou, I Leontiadis, M Picone, KK Rachuri, C Mascolo, J Crowcroft
Pervasive 2012, 2012
A shared sensor network infrastructure
C Efstratiou, I Leontiadis, C Mascolo, J Crowcroft
Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems …, 2010
Intelligent mobility systems: some socio-technical challenges and opportunities
M Büscher, P Coulton, C Efstratiou, H Gellersen, D Hemment, ...
Communications Infrastructure. Systems and Applications in Europe: First …, 2009
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