Valia Kordoni
Valia Kordoni
Dept. of English Studies, Humboldt University Berlin
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Discourse structure and language technology
B Webber, M Egg, V Kordoni
Natural Language Engineering 18 (4), 437-490, 2012
DeepBank. A dynamically annotated treebank of the Wall Street Journal
D Flickinger, Y Zhang, V Kordoni
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic …, 2012
Validation and evaluation of automatically acquired multiword expressions for grammar engineering
A Villavicencio, V Kordoni, Y Zhang, M Idiart, C Ramisch
Proceedings of the 2007 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural …, 2007
Prepositions in applications: A survey and introduction to the special issue
T Baldwin, V Kordoni, A Villavicencio
Computational Linguistics 35 (2), 119-149, 2009
Automated multiword expression prediction for grammar engineering
Y Zhang, V Kordoni, A Villavicencio, M Idiart
Proceedings of the workshop on multiword expressions: Identifying and …, 2006
The Tübingen treebanks for spoken german, english, and japanese
EW Hinrichs, J Bartels, Y Kawata, V Kordoni, H Telljohann
Verbmobil: Foundations of speech-to-speech translation, 550-574, 2000
The VERBMOBIL treebanks
EW Hinrichs, J Bartels, Y Kawata, V Kordoni, H Telljohann
KONVENS, 107-112, 2000
Automated Deep Lexical Acquisition for Robust Open Texts Processing.
Y Zhang, V Kordoni
LREC, 275-280, 2006
Introduction to the special issue on multiword expressions: From theory to practice and use
C Ramisch, A Villavicencio, V Kordoni
ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing (TSLP) 10 (2), 1-10, 2013
Emerging trends: Sota-chasing
KW Church, V Kordoni
Natural Language Engineering 28 (2), 249-269, 2022
Towards a dependency-based gold standard for German parsers. The TIGER dependency bank
M Forst, N Bertomeu, B Crysmann, F Fouvry, S Hansen-Schirra, V Kordoni
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted …, 2004
Deep analysis of modern greek
V Kordoni, J Neu
International Conference on Natural Language Processing, 674-683, 2004
Situating language register across the ages, languages, modalities, and cultural aspects: Evidence from complementary methods
VN Pescuma, D Serova, J Lukassek, A Sauermann, R Schäfer, A Adli, ...
Frontiers in psychology 13, 964658, 2023
Multiword Expressions in Machine Translation.
V Kordoni, I Simova
LREC, 1208-1211, 2014
Translation crowdsourcing: creating a multilingual corpus of online educational content
V Sosoni, KL Kermanidis, M Stasimioti, T Naskos, E Takoulidou, ...
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
Enhancing access to online education: Quality machine translation of MOOC content
V Kordoni, A Van den Bosch, KL Kermanidis, V Sosoni, K Cholakov, ...
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Between shifts and alternations: ditransitive constructions
V Kordoni
Proceedings of the HPSG04 Conference, 2004
Partial parse selection for robust deep processing
Y Zhang, V Kordoni, E Fitzgerald
ACL 2007 Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing, 128-135, 2007
Better statistical machine translation through linguistic treatment of phrasal verbs
K Cholakov, V Kordoni
Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2014
Japanese “Verbal Noun and suru” Constructions
A Shimada, V Kordoni, D Beermann, L Hellan
Proceedings of the workshop on Multi-Verb constructions Trondheim Summer School, 2003
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Articles 1–20