Sven Koehler
Sven Koehler
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Declarative datalog debugging for mere mortals
S Köhler, B Ludäscher, Y Smaragdakis
International Datalog 2.0 Workshop, 111-122, 2012
First-Order Provenance Games.
S Köhler, B Ludäscher, D Zinn
In Search of Elegance in the Theory and Practice of Computation 8000, 382-399, 2013
A SQL-middleware unifying why and why-not provenance for first-order queries
S Lee, S Köhler, B Ludäscher, B Glavic
2017 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 485-496, 2017
Scientific workflows and provenance: Introduction and research opportunities
V Cuevas-Vicenttín, S Dey, S Köhler, S Riddle, B Ludäscher
Datenbank-Spektrum 12, 193-203, 2012
On implementing provenance-aware regular path queries with relational query engines
S Dey, V Cuevas-Vicenttín, S Köhler, E Gribkoff, M Wang, B Ludäscher
Proceedings of the Joint EDBT/ICDT 2013 Workshops, 214-223, 2013
Parallelizing XML data-streaming workflows via MapReduce
D Zinn, S Bowers, S Köhler, B Ludäscher
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 76 (6), 447-463, 2010
Scientific workflow design 2.0: Demonstrating streaming data collections in Kepler
L Dou, D Zinn, T McPhillips, S Köhler, S Riddle, S Bowers, B Ludäscher
2011 IEEE 27th International Conference on Data Engineering, 1296-1299, 2011
Mutually improved endoscopic image synthesis and landmark detection in unpaired image-to-image translation
L Sharan, G Romano, S Koehler, H Kelm, M Karck, R De Simone, ...
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 26 (1), 127-138, 2021
Datalog as a Lingua Franca for Provenance Querying and Reasoning.
SC Dey, S Köhler, S Bowers, B Ludäscher
TaPP, 2012
Towards constraint provenance games
S Riddle, S Köhler, B Ludäscher
6th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP 2014), 2014
Insider attack identification and prevention using a declarative approach
A Sarkar, S Köhler, S Riddle, B Ludaescher, M Bishop
2014 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops, 265-276, 2014
Improving workflow fault tolerance through provenance-based recovery
S Köhler, S Riddle, D Zinn, T McPhillips, B Ludäscher
Scientific and Statistical Database Management: 23rd International …, 2011
Towards Constraint-based Explanations for Answers and {Non-Answers}
B Glavic, S Köhler, S Riddle, B Ludäscher
7th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP 15), 2015
Unsupervised domain adaptation from axial to short-axis multi-slice cardiac MR images by incorporating pretrained task networks
S Koehler, T Hussain, Z Blair, T Huffaker, F Ritzmann, A Tandon, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 40 (10), 2939-2953, 2021
Heatmap-based 2d landmark detection with a varying number of landmarks
A Stern, L Sharan, G Romano, S Koehler, M Karck, R De Simone, I Wolf, ...
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2021: Proceedings, German Workshop on …, 2021
Pinpoint the joules: Unifying runtime-support for energy measurements on heterogeneous systems
S Köhler, B Herzog, T Hönig, L Wenzel, M Plauth, J Nolte, A Polze, ...
2020 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for …, 2020
How well do U-Net-based segmentation trained on adult cardiac magnetic resonance imaging data generalize to rare congenital heart diseases for surgical planning?
S Koehler, A Tandon, T Hussain, H Latus, T Pickardt, S Sarikouch, ...
Medical Imaging 2020: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and …, 2020
Sliding window calculations on streaming data using the kepler scientific workflow system
S Kohler, S Gulati, G Cao, Q Hart, B Ludascher
Procedia Computer Science 9, 1639-1646, 2012
Efficiently computing provenance graphs for queries with negation
S Lee, S Köhler, B Ludäscher, B Glavic
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.05699, 2017
Insider attack identification and prevention in collection-oriented dataflow-based processes
A Sarkar, S Köhler, B Ludäscher, M Bishop
IEEE Systems Journal 11 (2), 522-533, 2015
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Articles 1–20