Klaus Wertenbroch
Klaus Wertenbroch
INSEAD, Professor of Marketing and Novartis Chaired Professor of Management and the Environment
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Consumer choice between hedonic and utilitarian goods
R Dhar, K Wertenbroch
Journal of marketing research 37 (1), 60-71, 2000
Procrastination, deadlines, and performance: Self-control by precommitment
D Ariely, K Wertenbroch
Psychological science 13 (3), 219-224, 2002
Measuring consumers' willingness to pay at the point of purchase
K Wertenbroch, B Skiera
Journal of marketing research 39 (2), 228-241, 2002
Consumption self-control by rationing purchase quantities of virtue and vice
K Wertenbroch
Marketing science 17 (4), 317-337, 1998
Option attachment: When deliberating makes choosing feel like losing
Z Carmon, K Wertenbroch, M Zeelenberg
Journal of Consumer research 30 (1), 15-29, 2003
Consumer control and empowerment: a primer
L Wathieu, L Brenner, Z Carmon, A Chattopadhyay, K Wertenbroch, ...
Marketing Letters 13, 297-305, 2002
A behavioral decision theory perspective on hedonic and utilitarian choice
U Khan, R Dhar, K Wertenbroch
Inside consumption, 144-165, 2005
When do losses loom larger than gains?
D Ariely, J Huber, K Wertenbroch
Journal of Marketing Research 42 (2), 134-138, 2005
Consumer choice and autonomy in the age of artificial intelligence and big data
Q André, Z Carmon, K Wertenbroch, A Crum, D Frank, W Goldstein, ...
Customer needs and solutions 5, 28-37, 2018
The psychology of intertemporal discounting: Why are distant events valued differently from proximal ones?
D Soman, G Ainslie, S Frederick, X Li, J Lynch, P Moreau, A Mitchell, ...
Marketing Letters 16, 347-360, 2005
Self-Signaling and the Costs and Benefits of Temptation in Consumer Choice
R Dhar, K Wertenbroch
Journal of Marketing Research, 1-11, 2012
On the perceived value of money: The reference dependence of currency numerosity effects
K Wertenbroch, D Soman, A Chattopadhyay
Journal of Consumer Research 34 (1), 1-10, 2007
Autonomy in consumer choice
K Wertenbroch, RY Schrift, JW Alba, A Barasch, A Bhattacharjee, ...
Marketing letters 31, 429-439, 2020
How behavioral decision research can enhance consumer welfare: From freedom of choice to paternalistic intervention
RK Ratner, D Soman, G Zauberman, D Ariely, Z Carmon, PA Keller, ...
Marketing Letters 19, 383-397, 2008
Indeterminacy and live television
J Vosgerau, K Wertenbroch, Z Carmon
Journal of Consumer Research 32 (4), 487-495, 2006
The value heuristic in judgments of relative frequency
X Dai, K Wertenbroch, CM Brendl
Psychological Science 19 (1), 18, 2008
Self-rationing: Self-control in consumer choice
K Wertenbroch
in Time and Decision: Economic and Psychological Perspectives on …, 2003
Consumption self-control via purchase quantity rationing
K Wertenbroch
Marketing Science 17 (4), 317-37, 1998
Performance Pay or Redistribution? Cultural Differences in Just-World Beliefs and Preferences for Wage Inequality
DH Frank, K Wertenbroch, WW Maddux
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 130 (September), 160-170, 2015
Designing AI systems that customers won’t hate
Z Carmon, R Schrift, K Wertenbroch, H Yang
MIT Sloan Management Review 61 (2), 1-6, 2019
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Articles 1–20