Nicolas Boulanger-Lewandowski
Nicolas Boulanger-Lewandowski
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Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions
R Al-Rfou, G Alain, A Almahairi, C Angermueller, D Bahdanau, N Ballas, ...
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1605.02688, 2016
Modeling temporal dependencies in high-dimensional sequences: Application to polyphonic music generation and transcription
N Boulanger-Lewandowski, Y Bengio, P Vincent
arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.6392, 2012
Advances in optimizing recurrent networks
Y Bengio, N Boulanger-Lewandowski, R Pascanu
ICASSP, 2013
Emonets: Multimodal deep learning approaches for emotion recognition in video
SE Kahou, X Bouthillier, P Lamblin, C Gulcehre, V Michalski, K Konda, ...
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 10, 99-111, 2016
Combining modality specific deep neural networks for emotion recognition in video
SE Kahou, C Pal, X Bouthillier, P Froumenty, Ç Gülçehre, R Memisevic, ...
Proceedings of the 15th ACM on International conference on multimodal …, 2013
Audio Chord Recognition with Recurrent Neural Networks
N Boulanger-Lewandowski, Y Bengio, P Vincent
ISMIR, 2013
Deep learners benefit more from out-of-distribution examples
Y Bengio, F Bastien, A Bergeron, N Boulanger-Lewandowski, T Breuel, ...
JMLR W&CP: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on …, 2011
Audio Chord Recognition with a Hybrid Recurrent Neural Network.
S Sigtia, N Boulanger-Lewandowski, S Dixon
ISMIR, 127-133, 2015
A hybrid recurrent neural network for music transcription
S Sigtia, E Benetos, N Boulanger-Lewandowski, T Weyde, ASA Garcez, ...
2015 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2015
High-dimensional sequence transduction
N Boulanger-Lewandowski, Y Bengio, P Vincent
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013
Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions. arXiv
R Al-Rfou, G Alain, A Almahairi, C Angermueller, D Bahdanau, N Ballas, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.02688 10, 2016
Discriminative non-negative matrix factorization for multiple pitch estimation
N Boulanger-Lewandowski, Y Bengio, P Vincent
ISMIR, 205--210, 2012
Non-negative matrix factorization regularized by recurrent neural networks for audio processing
NM Boulanger-Lewandowski, GJ Mysore, MD Hoffman
US Patent 9,721,202, 2017
Deep self-taught learning for handwritten character recognition
Y Bengio, F Bastien, A Bergeron, N Boulanger-Lewandowski, ...
NIPS* 2010 Deep Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning Workshop, 2010
Exploiting Long-Term Temporal Dependencies in NMF Using Recurrent Neural Networks with Application to Source Separation
N Boulanger-Lewandowski, G Mysore, M Hoffman
ICASSP, 2014
Phone Sequence Modeling with Recurrent Neural Networks
N Boulanger-Lewandowski, J Droppo, M Seltzer, D Yu
ICASSP, 2014
Intrusive STM imaging
N Boulanger-Lewandowski, A Rochefort
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (11), 115430, 2011
Modeling high-dimensional audio sequences with recurrent neural networks
N Boulanger-Lewandowski
EmoNets: Multimodal deep learning approaches for emotion recognition in video
S Ebrahimi Kahou, X Bouthillier, P Lamblin, C Gulcehre, V Michalski, ...
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1503.01800, 2015
An Energy-Based Recurrent Neural Network for Multiple Fundamental Frequency Estimation
N Boulanger-Lewandowski, P Vincent, Y Bengio
Learning Workshop at Snowbird, 2011
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Articles 1–20