Ramon Aravena
Ramon Aravena
Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo
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Stable isotopes of oxygen and nitrogen in source identification of nitrate from septic systems
R Aravena, ML Evans, JA Cherry
Groundwater 31 (2), 180-186, 1993
Use of multiple isotope tracers to evaluate denitrification in ground water: Study of nitrate from a large‐flux septic system plume
R Aravena, WD Robertson
Groundwater 36 (6), 975-982, 1998
Artificial neural network modeling of water table depth fluctuations
P Coulibaly, F Anctil, R Aravena, B Bobée
Water resources research 37 (4), 885-896, 2001
Holocene treeline history and climate change across northern Eurasia
GM MacDonald, AA Velichko, CV Kremenetski, OK Borisova, AA Goleva, ...
Quaternary Research 53 (3), 302-311, 2000
Increases in fluxes of greenhouse gases and methyl mercury following flooding of an experimental reservoir
CA Kelly, JWM Rudd, RA Bodaly, NP Roulet, VL St. Louis, A Heyes, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 31 (5), 1334-1344, 1997
Multiple Geochemical and Isotopic Approaches for Assessing Ground Water NO3 Elimination in a Riparian Zone
M Mengis, SL Schif, M Harris, MC English, R Aravena, RJ Elgood, ...
Groundwater 37 (3), 448-457, 1999
Role of the riparian zone in controlling the distribution and fate of agricultural nitrogen near a small stream in southern Ontario
EE Cey, DL Rudolph, R Aravena, G Parkin
Journal of contaminant hydrology 37 (1-2), 45-67, 1999
Monitoring microbial dechlorination of tetrachloroethene (PCE) in groundwater using compound-specific stable carbon isotope ratios: microcosm and field studies
D Hunkeler, R Aravena, BJ Butler
Environmental Science & Technology 33 (16), 2733-2738, 1999
Bofedales: high altitude peatlands of the central Andes
F Squeo, B Warner, R Aravena, D Espinoza
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 2006
Nitrate isotopes in groundwater systems
C Kendall, R Aravena
Environmental tracers in subsurface hydrology, 261-297, 2000
Quantifying groundwater discharge to a small perennial stream in southern Ontario, Canada
EE Cey, DL Rudolph, GW Parkin, R Aravena
Journal of Hydrology 210 (1-4), 21-37, 1998
Export of DOC from forested catchments on the Precambrian Shield of Central Ontario: Clues from 13C and 14C
SL Schiff, R Aravena, SE Trumbore, MJ Hinton, R Elgood, PJ Dillon
Biogeochemistry 36, 43-65, 1997
Nitrate dynamics in relation to lithology and hydrologic flow path in a river riparian zone
KJ Devito, D Fitzgerald, AR Hill, R Aravena
Journal of Environmental Quality 29 (4), 1075-1084, 2000
Radiocarbon dating of total soil organic matter and humin fraction and its comparison with 14C ages of fossil charcoal
LCR Pessenda, SEM Gouveia, R Aravena
Radiocarbon 43 (2B), 595-601, 2001
Carbon Isotope Fractionation during Microbial Dechlorination of Trichloroethene, cis-1,2-Dichloroethene, and Vinyl Chloride:  Implications for Assessment of …
Y Bloom, R Aravena, D Hunkeler, E Edwards, SK Frape
Environmental science & technology 34 (13), 2768-2772, 2000
Holocene paleohydrology and glacial history of the central Andes using multiproxy lake sediment studies
MB Abbott, BB Wolfe, AP Wolfe, GO Seltzer, R Aravena, BG Mark, ...
Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 194 (1-3), 123-138, 2003
Late Quaternary vegetation dynamics in the southern Amazon Basin inferred from carbon isotopes in soil organic matter
HA de Freitas, LCR Pessenda, R Aravena, SEM Gouveia, ...
Quaternary Research 55 (1), 39-46, 2001
Precambrian shield wetlands: hydrologic control of the sources and export of dissolved organic matter
S Schiff, R Aravena, E Mewhinney, R Elgood, B Warner, P Dillon, ...
Climatic Change 40, 167-188, 1998
Seasonal isotope hydrology of three Appalachian forest catchments
DR DeWalle, PJ Edwards, BR Swistock, R Aravena, RJ Drimmie
Hydrological Processes 11 (15), 1895-1906, 1997
Isotopic composition and origin of the precipitation in Northern Chile
R Aravena, O Suzuki, H Pena, A Pollastri, H Fuenzalida, A Grilli
Applied geochemistry 14 (4), 411-422, 1999
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Articles 1–20