Eric Hudson
Eric Hudson
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Microscopic electronic inhomogeneity in the high-Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x
SH Pan, JP O'neal, RL Badzey, C Chamon, H Ding, JR Engelbrecht, ...
Nature 413 (6853), 282-285, 2001
A Four Unit Cell Periodic Pattern of Quasi-Particle States Surrounding Vortex Cores in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
JE Hoffman, EW Hudson, KM Lang, V Madhavan, H Eisaki, S Uchida, ...
Science 295 (5554), 466-469, 2002
Imaging the effects of individual zinc impurity atoms on superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
SH Pan, EW Hudson, KM Lang, H Eisaki, S Uchida, JC Davis
Nature 403 (6771), 746-750, 2000
Imaging the granular structure of high-Tc superconductivity in underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
KM Lang, V Madhavan, JE Hoffman, EW Hudson, H Eisaki, S Uchida, ...
Nature 415 (6870), 412-416, 2002
Coincidence of Checkerboard Charge Order and Antinodal State Decoherence in Strongly Underdoped Superconducting
K McElroy, DH Lee, JE Hoffman, KM Lang, J Lee, EW Hudson, H Eisaki, ...
Physical Review Letters 94 (19), 197005, 2005
Charge-density-wave origin of cuprate checkerboard visualized by scanning tunnelling microscopy
WD Wise, MC Boyer, K Chatterjee, T Kondo, T Takeuchi, H Ikuta, Y Wang, ...
Nature physics 4 (9), 696-699, 2008
Interplay of magnetism and high-Tc superconductivity at individual Ni impurity atoms in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
EW Hudson, KM Lang, V Madhavan, SH Pan, H Eisaki, S Uchida, ...
Nature 411 (6840), 920-924, 2001
refrigerator based very low temperature scanning tunneling microscope
SH Pan, EW Hudson, JC Davis
Review of scientific instruments 70 (2), 1459-1463, 1999
STM Studies of the Electronic Structure of Vortex Cores in
SH Pan, EW Hudson, AK Gupta, KW Ng, H Eisaki, S Uchida, JC Davis
Physical Review Letters 85 (7), 1536, 2000
Imaging the two gaps of the high-temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CuO6+x
MC Boyer, WD Wise, K Chatterjee, M Yi, T Kondo, T Takeuchi, H Ikuta, ...
Nature Physics 3 (11), 802-806, 2007
Atomic-scale quasi-particle scattering resonances in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ δ
EW Hudson, SH Pan, AK Gupta, KW Ng, JC Davis
Science 285 (5424), 88-91, 1999
Quantum phase transition from triangular to stripe charge order in NbSe2
A Soumyanarayanan, MM Yee, Y He, J van Wezel, DJ Rahn, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (5), 1623-1627, 2013
Vacuum tunneling of superconducting quasiparticles from atomically sharp scanning tunneling microscope tips
SH Pan, EW Hudson, JC Davis
Applied Physics Letters 73 (20), 2992-2994, 1998
Fermi surface and pseudogap evolution in a cuprate superconductor
Y He, Y Yin, M Zech, A Soumyanarayanan, MM Yee, T Williams, ...
Science 344 (6184), 608-611, 2014
Nanoscale One-Dimensional Scattering Resonances in the CuO Chains of
DJ Derro, EW Hudson, KM Lang, SH Pan, JC Davis, JT Markert, ...
Physical review letters 88 (9), 097002, 2002
Imaging nanoscale Fermi-surface variations in an inhomogeneous superconductor
WD Wise, K Chatterjee, MC Boyer, T Kondo, T Takeuchi, H Ikuta, Z Xu, ...
Nature Physics 5 (3), 213-216, 2009
Strain modulated superlattices in graphene
R Banerjee, VH Nguyen, T Granzier-Nakajima, L Pabbi, A Lherbier, ...
Nano letters 20 (5), 3113-3121, 2020
Scanning tunnelling microscopy imaging of symmetry-breaking structural distortion in the bismuth-based cuprate superconductors
I Zeljkovic, EJ Main, TL Williams, MC Boyer, K Chatterjee, WD Wise, Y Yin, ...
Nature materials 11 (7), 585-589, 2012
Topological Dangling Bonds with Large Spin Splitting and Enhanced Spin Polarization on the Surfaces of Bi2Se3
H Lin, T Das, Y Okada, MC Boyer, WD Wise, M Tomasik, B Zhen, ...
Nano letters 13 (5), 1915-1919, 2013
Real-space imaging of structural transitions in the vortex lattice of
CE Sosolik, JA Stroscio, MD Stiles, EW Hudson, SR Blankenship, AP Fein, ...
Physical Review B 68 (14), 140503, 2003
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Articles 1–20