Maged Elaasar
Maged Elaasar
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Modelware Solutions
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Cited by
Method and system defining and interchanging diagrams of graphical modeling languages
ME Elaasar
US Patent App. 12/628,630, 2011
Configurable pattern detection method and apparatus
ME Elaasar
US Patent 7,890,923, 2011
An overview of UML consistency management
M Elaasar, L Briand
Carleton University, Canada, Technical Report SCE-04-18, 2004
Computer method and apparatus for providing model to model transformation using an MDA approach
ME Elaasar, JM Fischer
US Patent 8,869,098, 2014
Computer method and system for pattern specification using meta-model of a target domain
ME Elaasar
US Patent 8,010,938, 2011
A metamodeling approach to pattern specification
M Elaasar, LC Briand, Y Labiche
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems …, 2006
A systematic identification of consistency rules for UML diagrams
D Torre, Y Labiche, M Genero, M Elaasar
Journal of Systems and Software 144, 121-142, 2018
Creating system engineering products with executable models in a model-based engineering environment
R Karban, FG Dekens, S Herzig, M Elaasar, N Jankevičius
Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy VII 9911 …, 2016
Esem: Automated systems analysis using executable sysml modeling patterns
R Karban, N Jankevičius, M Elaasar
INCOSE International Symposium 26 (1), 1-24, 2016
UML diagram synthesis techniques: A systematic mapping study
D Torre, Y Labiche, M Genero, MT Baldassarre, M Elaasar
Proceedings of the 10th international workshop on modelling in software …, 2018
Enhanced code generation from UML composite state machines
O Badreddin, TC Lethbridge, A Forward, M Elaasar, H Aljamaan, ...
2014 2nd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software …, 2014
Detecting design patterns in models by utilizing transformation language
M Elaasar
US Patent 8,689,173, 2014
Integrating modeling tools in the development lifecycle with oslc: A case study
M Elaasar, A Neal
Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 16th International …, 2013
Domain-specific model verification with QVT
M Elaasar, L Briand, Y Labiche
Modelling Foundations and Applications: 7th European Conference, ECMFA 2011 …, 2011
Testing self-healing cyber-physical systems under uncertainty: a fragility-oriented approach
T Ma, S Ali, T Yue, M Elaasar
Software Quality Journal 27, 615-649, 2019
Satellite transport protocol handling bit corruption, handoff and limited connectivity
ME Elaasar, M Barbeau, E Kranakis, Z Li
IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems 41 (2), 489-502, 2005
CAESAR model-based approach to harness design
D Wagner, SY Kim-Castet, A Jimenez, M Elaasar, N Rouquette, S Jenkins
2020 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-13, 2020
Computer method and apparatus for chaining of model-to-model transformations
ME Elaasar
US Patent 8,583,413, 2013
The resilient spacecraft executive: An architecture for risk-aware operations in uncertain environments
CL McGhan, T Vaquero, AR Subrahmanya, O Arslan, R Murray, ...
Aiaa Space 2016, 5541, 2016
VPML: an approach to detect design patterns of MOF-based modeling languages
M Elaasar, LC Briand, Y Labiche
Software & Systems Modeling 14, 735-764, 2015
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Articles 1–20