Senior Research Fellow, CNRS International NTU THALES Research Alliance, NTU, Singapore
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Cited by
Control of light absorbance using plasmonic grating based perfect absorber at visible and near-infrared wavelengths
DM Nguyen, D Lee, J Rho
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 2611, 2017
Modal decomposition technique for multimode fibers
DM Nguyen, S Blin, TN Nguyen, SD Le, ABL Provino, M Thual, T Chartier
Applied optics 51 (4), 450-456, 2012
Acoustic wave science realized by metamaterials
D Lee, DM Nguyen, J Rho
Nano convergence 4, 1-15, 2017
Polarization-sensitive tunable absorber in visible and near-infrared regimes
D Lee, SY Han, Y Jeong, DM Nguyen, G Yoon, J Mun, J Chae, JH Lee, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 12393, 2018
Realization of wafer-scale hyperlens device for sub-diffractional biomolecular imaging
D Lee, YD Kim, M Kim, S So, HJ Choi, J Mun, DM Nguyen, T Badloe, ...
ACS Photonics 5 (7), 2549-2554, 2017
Efficient four-wave mixing in an ultra-highly nonlinear suspended-core chalcogenide As_38Se_62 fiber
SD Le, DM Nguyen, M Thual, L Bramerie, M Costa e Silva, K Lenglé, ...
Optics Express 19 (26), B653-B660, 2011
Incoherent resonant seeding of modulation instability in optical fiber
DM Nguyen, T Godin, S Toenger, Y Combes, B Wetzel, T Sylvestre, ...
Optics letters 38 (24), 5338-5341, 2013
Overcoming diffraction limit: From microscopy to nanoscopy
S So, M Kim, D Lee, DM Nguyen, J Rho
Applied Spectroscopy Reviews 53 (2-4), 290-312, 2018
Demonstration of polarization pulling using a fiber-optic parametric amplifier
B Stiller, P Morin, DM Nguyen, J Fatome, S Pitois, E Lantz, H Maillotte, ...
Optics express 20 (24), 27248-27253, 2012
Demonstration of nonlinear effects in an ultra-highly nonlinear AsSe suspended-core chalcogenide fiber
DM Nguyen, SD Le, K Lengle, D Méchin, M Thual, T Chartier, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 22 (24), 1844-1846, 2010
Simple modal analysis method for multi-mode fibers
S Blin, DM Nguyen, TN Nguyen, L Provino, M Thual, T Chartier
2009 35th European Conference on Optical Communication, 1-2, 2009
Distributed Brillouin fiber sensor with enhanced sensitivity based on anti-stokes single-sideband suppressed-carrier modulation
DM Nguyen, B Stiller, MW Lee, JC Beugnot, H Maillotte, A Mottet, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25 (1), 94-96, 2012
Recent advances in very highly nonlinear chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers and their applications
D Méchin, L Brilland, J Troles, T Chartier, P Besnard, G Canat, ...
Optical Components and Materials IX 8257, 82-88, 2012
A high-performance catalyst based on binary CuFe alloyed nanocrystals encapsulated in nitrogen-doped graphene nanosheets towards oxygen reduction reaction
DM Nguyen, LG Bach, QB Bui
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 273, 132-140, 2019
Population ageing and older persons in Viet Nam
UV Nam, NM Duc
General Statistics Office, 2021
Chalcogenide suspended-core fibers: Manufacturing and non-linear properties at 1. 55 µm
J Troles, L Brilland, P Toupin, Q Coulombier, SD Le, DM Nguyen, M Thual, ...
2011 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 1-4, 2011
A consistent map in the medial entorhinal cortex supports spatial memory
TJ Malone, NW Tien, Y Ma, L Cui, S Lyu, G Wang, D Nguyen, K Zhang, ...
Nature Communications 15 (1), 1457, 2024
Regularizing autoencoder-based matrix completion models via manifold learning
DM Nguyen, E Tsiligianni, R Calderbank, N Deligiannis
2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1880-1884, 2018
Recent advances in very highly nonlinear chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers and their applications
D Méchin, L Brilland, J Troles, Q Coulombier, P Houizot, A Monteville, ...
IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals 2010, 117-118, 2010
Accuracy improvement in the measurement of the non-linear coefficient of optical fibers based on self-phase modulation
DM Nguyen, TN Nguyen, T Chartier, M Thual
Fiber and Integrated Optics 29 (4), 225-238, 2010
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Articles 1–20