Prof. Xiaohong W. Gao
Prof. Xiaohong W. Gao
Department of Computer Science, Middlesex University, London, NW4 4BT, UK
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na - Početna stranica
Classification of CT brain images based on deep learning networks
XW Gao, R Hui, Z Tian
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 138, 49-56, 2017
Recognition of traffic signs based on their colour and shape features extracted using human vision models
XW Gao, L Podladchikova, D Shaposhnikov, K Hong, N Shevtsova
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 17 (4), 675-685, 2006
Computer algorithms for the automated measurement of retinal arteriolar diameters
N Chapman, N Witt, X Gao, AA Bharath, AV Stanton, SA Thom, ...
British Journal of Ophthalmology 85 (1), 74-79, 2001
A fused deep learning architecture for viewpoint classification of echocardiography
X Gao, W Li, M Loomes, L Wang
Information Fusion 36, 103-113, 2017
Deep learning for detection and segmentation of artefact and disease instances in gastrointestinal endoscopy
S Ali, M Dmitrieva, N Ghatwary, S Bano, G Polat, A Temizel, A Krenzer, ...
Medical image analysis 70, 102002, 2021
An objective comparison of detection and segmentation algorithms for artefacts in clinical endoscopy
S Ali, F Zhou, B Braden, A Bailey, S Yang, G Cheng, P Zhang, X Li, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 2748, 2020
A method of vessel tracking for vessel diameter measurement on retinal images
X Gao, A Bharath, A Stanton, A Hughes, N Chapman, S Thom
Proceedings 2001 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No …, 2001
Quantification and characterisation of arteries in retinal images
XW Gao, A Bharath, A Stanton, A Hughes, N Chapman, S Thom
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 63 (2), 133-146, 2000
Quantifying colour appearance. Part V. Simultaneous contrast
MR Luo, XW Gao, SAR Scrivener
Color Research & Application 20 (1), 18-28, 1995
Analysis of tuberculosis severity levels from CT pulmonary images based on enhanced residual deep learning architecture
XW Gao, C James-Reynolds, E Currie
Neurocomputing 392, 233-244, 2020
Quantifying colour appearance. Part IV. Transmissive media
MR Luo, XW Gao, PA Rhodes, HJ Xin, AA Clarke, SAR Scrivener
Color Research & Application 18 (3), 191-209, 1993
A deep learning based approach to classification of CT brain images
XW Gao, R Hui
2016 SAI computing conference (SAI), 28-31, 2016
Quantifying colour appearance. Part III. Supplementary LUTCHI colour appearance data
MR Luo, XW Gao, PA Rhodes, HJ Xin, AA Clarke, SAR Scrivener
Color Research & Application 18 (2), 98-113, 1993
Prediction of multidrug-resistant TB from CT pulmonary images based on deep learning techniques
XW Gao, Y Qian
Molecular pharmaceutics 15 (10), 4326-4335, 2017
Road sign recognition by single positioning of space-variant sensor window
DG Shaposhnikov, N Lubov, AVG Podladchikova, NA Shevtsova, K Hong, ...
Red 393 (423), 57-95, 2002
Colour vision model-based approach for segmentation of traffic signs
X Gao, K Hong, P Passmore, L Podladchikova, D Shaposhnikov
EURASIP Journal on image and video processing 2008, 1-7, 2007
Measurement of vessel diameters on retinal images for cardiovascular studies
X Gao, A Bharath, A Stanton, A Hughes, N Chapman, S Thom
Proceedings of Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, 1-4, 2001
Vision models based identification of traffic signs
X Gao, N Shevtsova, K Hong, S Batty, L Podladchikova, A Golovan, ...
Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision 1, 47-51, 2002
Content-based retrieval of 3D medical images
Y Qian, X Gao, M Loomes, R Comley, B Barn, R Hui, Z Tian
The Third International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social …, 2011
Texture-based 3D image retrieval for medical applications
X Gao, Y Qian, R Hui, M Loomes, R Comley, B Barn, A Chapman, J Rix
IADIS international conference e-health, 101-108, 2010
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