Solange Bessa Cavalcanti
Solange Bessa Cavalcanti
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Modulation instability in the region of minimum group-velocity dispersion of single-mode optical fibers via an extended nonlinear Schrödinger equation
SB Cavalcanti, JC Cressoni, HR da Cruz, AS Gouveia-Neto
Physical Review A 43 (11), 6162, 1991
II Consenso Brasileiro de Tuberculose: diretrizes brasileiras para tuberculose 2004
A Castelo Filho, AL Kritski, ÂW Barreto, ACM Lemos, AR Netto, ...
Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia 30, S57-S86, 2004
A variational approach of nonlinear dissipative pulse propagation
S Chávez Cerda, SB Cavalcanti, JM Hickmann
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 1998
Modulational instability in semiconductor-doped glass fibers with saturable nonlinearity
JM Hickmann, SB Cavalcanti, NM Borges, EA Gouveia, AS Gouveia-Neto
Optics letters 18 (3), 182-184, 1993
Driving-dependent damping of Rabi oscillations in two-level semiconductor systems
D Mogilevtsev, AP Nisovtsev, S Kilin, SB Cavalcanti, HS Brandi, ...
Physical review letters 100 (1), 017401, 2008
Noise amplification in dispersive nonlinear media
SB Cavalcanti, GP Agrawal, M Yu
Physical Review A 51 (5), 4086, 1995
Suppression of Anderson localization of light and Brewster anomalies in disordered superlattices containing a dispersive metamaterial
D Mogilevtsev, FA Pinheiro, RR Dos Santos, SB Cavalcanti, LE Oliveira
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (8), 081105, 2010
Plasmon polaritons in photonic superlattices containing a left-handed material
E Reyes-Gómez, D Mogilevtsev, SB Cavalcanti, CAA De Carvalho, ...
Europhysics Letters 88 (2), 24002, 2009
Photonic band structure and symmetry properties of electromagnetic modes in photonic crystals
SB Cavalcanti, M de Dios-Leyva, E Reyes-Gómez, LE Oliveira
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (2 …, 2007
Light propagation and Anderson localization in disordered superlattices containing dispersive metamaterials: effects of correlated disorder
D Mogilevtsev, FA Pinheiro, RR Dos Santos, SB Cavalcanti, LE Oliveira
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (9), 094204, 2011
Band edge states of the gap of Fibonacci photonic lattices
A Bruno-Alfonso, E Reyes-Gómez, SB Cavalcanti, LE Oliveira
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (3), 035801, 2008
Plasmon polaritons in photonic metamaterial Fibonacci superlattices
E Reyes-Gómez, N Raigoza, SB Cavalcanti, CAA De Carvalho, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (15), 153101, 2010
Band structure and band-gap control in photonic superlattices
SB Cavalcanti, M de Dios-Leyva, E Reyes-Gómez, LE Oliveira
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (15), 153102, 2006
Resonant Zener tunneling in two-dimensional periodic photonic lattices
AS Desyatnikov, YS Kivshar, VS Shchesnovich, SB Cavalcanti, ...
Optics letters 32 (4), 325-327, 2007
Plasmon polariton and non-Bragg gaps in superlattices with metamaterials
CAA De Carvalho, SB Cavalcanti, E Reyes-Gómez, LE Oliveira
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (8), 081408, 2011
Magnetization in a quenched random-bond transverse Ising model with competing interactions
EF Sarmento, RB Muniz, SB Cavalcanti
Physical Review B 36 (1), 529, 1987
Photonic band structure evolution of a honeycomb lattice in the presence of an external magnetic field
CA Duque, N Porras-Montenegro, SB Cavalcanti, LE Oliveira
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (3), 2009
Zener tunneling in two-dimensional photonic lattices
VS Shchesnovich, SB Cavalcanti, JM Hickmann, YS Kivshar
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (5 …, 2006
Master equation for structured reservoirs
D Mogilevtsev, S Kilin, SB Cavalcanti
Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 1 (3), 38-57, 2005
Plasmon polaritons in photonic metamaterial superlattices: Absorption effects
D Mogilevtsev, E Reyes-Gómez, SB Cavalcanti, CAA De Carvalho, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (4 …, 2010
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Articles 1–20