Daiane Placido Torres
Daiane Placido Torres
Embrapa Instrumentação
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Rapid assessment of metal contamination in commercial fruit juices by inductively coupled mass spectrometry after a simple dilution
L Tormen, DP Torres, IM Dittert, RGO Araújo, VLA Frescura, AJ Curtius
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24 (1), 95-102, 2011
Determination of inorganic and total mercury in biological samples treated with tetramethylammonium hydroxide by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry using different …
DP Torres, MA Vieira, AS Ribeiro, AJ Curtius
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 20 (4), 289-294, 2005
Determination of total and inorganic mercury in whole blood by cold vapor inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CV ICP-MS) with alkaline sample preparation
JL Rodrigues, DP Torres, VC de Oliveira Souza, BL Batista, SS de Souza, ...
Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 24 (10), 1414-1420, 2009
Effective procedures for the determination of As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Th, Zn, U and rare earth elements in plants and foodstuffs
FP Paniz, T Pedron, BM Freire, DP Torres, FF Silva, BL Batista
Analytical methods 10 (33), 4094-4103, 2018
Simple mercury fractionation in biological samples by CV AAS following microwave-assisted acid digestion or TMAH pre-treatment
DP Torres, VLA Frescura, AJ Curtius
Microchemical Journal 93 (2), 206-210, 2009
Method development for the control determination of mercury in seafood by solid-sampling thermal decomposition amalgamation atomic absorption spectrometry (TDA AAS)
DP Torres, MB Martins-Teixeira, EF Silva, HM Queiroz
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 29 (4), 625-632, 2012
Determination of mercury in gasoline diluted in ethanol by GF AAS after cold vapor generation, pre-concentration in gold column and trapping on graphite tube
DP Torres, IM Dittert, H Höhn, VLA Frescura, AJ Curtius
Microchemical Journal 96 (1), 32-36, 2010
A simple and fast approach for the determination of inorganic and total mercury in aqueous slurries of biological samples using cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry and in …
DP Torres, DLG Borges, VLA Frescura, AJ Curtius
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 24 (8), 1118-1122, 2009
Slurry sampling for arsenic determination in sediments by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry
DP Torres, MA Vieira, AS Ribeiro, AJ Curtius
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 18, 728-732, 2007
Selected soil water tensions at phenological phases and mineral content of trace elements in rice grains–mitigating arsenic by water management
JT da Silva, FP Paniz, T Pedron, DP Torres, FIG da Rocha Concenço, ...
Agricultural Water Management 228, 105884, 2020
Effect of selenium treated broccoli on herbivory and oviposition preferences of Delia radicum and Phyllotreta spp.
Š Mechora, DP Torres, RE Bruns, M Škof, K Ugrinović
Scientia horticulturae 225, 445-453, 2017
Sequential factorial designs for method development of the determination of Cd and Pb in fish and shrimp by GF AAS after sample freeze-drying and tetramethylammonium hydroxide …
DP Torres, MB Martins-Teixeira, S Cadore, HM Queiroz
Analytical methods 8 (21), 4263-4271, 2016
Method validation for control determination of mercury in fresh fish and shrimp samples by solid sampling thermal decomposition/amalgamation atomic absorption spectrometry
DP Torres, MB Martins-Teixeira, S Cadore, HM Queiroz
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 50 (7), 514-522, 2015
Estimate of the uncertainty in measurement for the determination of mercury in seafood by TDA AAS
HMQ Daiane Placido Torres, Igor R.B. Olivares
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food …, 0
Cold finger with semi closed reflux system for sample preparation aiming at Al, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, V and Zn determination in Drinking Water Treatment Sludge by MIP OES
N Kleemann, DP Torres, AS Ribeiro, AL Bamberg
Analytica Chimica Acta 1096, 9-17, 2020
Determinación de la calidad ambiental de la quebrada Agua Bonita, corregimiento de Barcelona, departamento del Quindío
A Londoño, JP Arrubla, M Zárate, D Torres, M Beltrán, JL Toro, IT Morales
Revista de investigaciones Universidad del Quindío 15, 55-64, 2005
Evaluation of dietary exposure of crabs to inorganic mercury or methylmercury, with or without co-exposure to selenium
DP Torres, S Cadore, A Raab, J Feldmann, EM Krupp
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 29 (7), 1273-1281, 2014
Determinación de la residualidad de plaguicidas organoclorados y organofosforados por cromatografía de gases. Variación en los parámetros fisicoquímicos y de identificación de …
A Londoño, AM Rojas, AM Gómez, D Torres
Revista de la asociación Colombiana de Ciencias Biológicas 19, 82-93, 2007
Determinación de la calidad ambiental del Río Santodomingo
A Londoño, JP Arrubla, MP Zarate, M Beltrán, JL Toro, D Torres
Revista de investigaciones de la Universidad del Quindío 14, 39-48, 2004
Mercúrio: validação de método para determinação em peixe e camarão e avaliação da sua distribuição em tecidos de caranguejos e efeito da presença de selênio
DP Torres
Tese de doutorado, Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas …, 2013
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Articles 1–20