José A. Oliveira-Lima
José A. Oliveira-Lima
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Cited by
Eco-efficient earthen plasters: The influence of the addition of natural fibers
J Lima, P Faria
Natural fibres: advances in science and technology towards industrial …, 2016
Earth plasters: the influence of clay mineralogy in the plasters’ properties
J Lima, P Faria, A Santos Silva
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 14 (7), 948-963, 2020
Composição florística e parâmetros estruturais de um hectare de floresta densa de terra firme no rio Uatumã, Amazônia, Brasil
IL Amaral, FDA MATOS, J Lima
Acta Amazonica 30 (3), 377-377, 2000
Earthen plasters based on illitic soils from Barrocal region of Algarve: contributions for building performance and sustainability
J Lima, P Faria, AS Silva
Key Engineering Materials 678, 64-77, 2016
Traceability system for quality monitoring in the fishery and aquaculture value chain
J Oliveira, JE Lima, D da Silva, V Kuprych, PM Faria, C Teixeira, EF Cruz, ...
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 5, 100169, 2021
Smart homes and smart buildings
JF Martins, JA Oliveira-Lima, V Delgado-Gomes, R Lopes, D Silva, ...
2012 13th Biennial Baltic electronics conference, 27-38, 2012
Load forecast on intelligent buildings based on temporary occupancy monitoring
JA Oliveira-Lima, R Morais, JF Martins, A Florea, C Lima
Energy and Buildings 116, 512-521, 2016
Vernacular earthen buildings from Leiria, Portugal–material characterization
JL Parracha, J Lima, MT Freire, M Ferreira, P Faria
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 15 (9), 1285-1300, 2021
Standard-based service-oriented infrastructure to integrate intelligent buildings in distributed generation and smart grids
JA Oliveira-Lima, V Delgado-Gomes, JF Martins, C Lima
Energy and Buildings 76, 450-458, 2014
Vernacular earthen buildings from Leiria, Portugal–Architectural survey towards their conservation and retrofitting
JL Parracha, J Lima, MT Freire, M Ferreira, P Faria
Journal of Building Engineering 35, 102115, 2021
Rebocos de terra
P Faria, J Lima
Argumentum, 2018
Energy consumption awareness in manufacturing and production systems
V Delgado-Gomes, JA Oliveira-Lima, JF Martins
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 30 (1), 84-95, 2017
Rebocos de terra: Influência da adição de gesso e da granulometria da areia
J Lima, D Correia, P Faria
III Simpósio de Argamassas e Soluções Térmicas de Revestimento, 16-17, 2016
Assessment of adhesive strength of an earth plaster on different substrates through different methods
P Faria, J Lima, J Nabais, V Silva
Proceedings pro130: 5th Historic Mortars Conference HMC2019. Pamplona, Spain …, 2019
Rebocos de terra: Influência da adição de óleo de linhaça e comparação com rebocos convencionais
J Lima, S Silva, P Faria
TEST&E 2016–Ensaiar para Reabilitar, Atas do 1º Congresso de Ensaios e …, 2016
Dpws as specific communication service mapping for iec 61850
J Lima, C Lima, V Gomes, JF Martins, J Barata, L Ribeiro, G Cândido
2011 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 193-198, 2011
A standard-based software infrastructure to support energy efficiency using renewable energy sources
C Lima, V Gomes, J Lima, JF Martins, J Barata, L Ribeiro, G Cândido
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 1175-1180, 2011
Earthen plasters: The potential of the clayey soils of Barrocal Region in Algarve
J Lima, P Faria
40th IAHS World Congress on Housing–Sustainable Housing Construction …, 2014
Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Generator for Ocean Wave Energy Conversion
J Lima, A Pronto, MV Neves
Technological Innovation for Sustainability: Second IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET …, 2011
Rebocos de terra: caracterização higroscópica e face à presença de água líquida
J Lima, M Ferreira, P Faria
Congresso da Reabilitação do Património, 21-29, 2017
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Articles 1–20