Goran Milić
Goran Milić
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
Pristup zoosemiji u okviru teorije konceptualne metafore i metonimije
G Milić
Jezikoslovlje 14 (1), 197-213, 2013
Metonymy at the crossroads: A case of euphemisms and dysphemisms
T Gradečak-Erdeljić, G Milić
Defining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics: Towards a Consensus View 28, 147, 2011
Referential metonymy of the type capital-for-government in Croatian
G Milić, D Vidaković
Perspectives on metonymy, 253-270, 2007
From ‘migrant routes’ to ‘refugee flows’: a case study on imposing and shaping conceptual metaphors in Croatian expert and public discourse
T Gradečak-Erdeljić, G Milić, D Župarić Iljić
3rd Croatian National Conference Of English Studies With International …, 2016
Translation of Metaphorical Terms in the Field of Economics from English into Croatian
G Milić, D Vidaković Erdeljić
Cognitive Modelling in Language and Discourse across Cultures, 171-186, 2017
Simultaneous interpretation of numbers: cognitive- linguistic approach or how to be on cloud nine
A Vančura, G Milić
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Multilingualism: Proceedings from the CALS …, 2015
The treatment of zoosemy in conceptual metaphor and metonymy theory
G Milić
Jezikoslovlje 14 (1), 197-213, 2013
Of chickens and eels: A cognitive-contrastive look at English and Croatian dysphemisms
G Milić
Cognitive Approaches to English: Fundamental, Methodological …, 2009
Should Green Always Get the Green Light? Translation of Figurative Technical Terms in View of Conceptual Integration Theory
DV Erdeljić, G Milić
ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries 20 (2), 9-29, 2023
Counting sheep... and then some: A multifactorial look at instantiations of animal metaphor
G Milić
English Studies as Archive and as Prospecting: 80 Years of English Studies …, 2014
Translation universals: translation of personal pronouns from English into Croatian
DV Erdeljić, G Milić
Linguistic and Extralinguistic in Interaction, 83-100, 2023
Analiza ‘ženskoga glasa’ na institucijskim pozicijama moći: Gradsko vijeće kao zajednica prakse
G Milić
Standardni i nestandardni idiomi: Zbornik radova s međunarodnoga znanstvenog …, 2023
Figurative Thought and Language in the Human Universe
M Brdar, G Milić, DV Erdeljić, R Brdar-Szabó
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021
Pojmovnik kognitivne lingvistike
M Brdar, B Milić, Goran, Kružić, K Benčina, M Ćališ, T Gradečak, ...
From “Migrant Waves” to “Refugee Flows”: A Case Study on Imposing and Shaping Conceptual Metaphors in Croatian Expert and Public Discourse
DŽI Tanja Gradečak-Erdeljić, Goran Milić
Figurative Thought and Language in the Human Universe (eds. Brdar, Mario et …, 2021
Is there truly a tool for any task? A cognitive linguistic look at the polysemy of-ač in Croatian
A Mikić Čolić, G Milić
16th conference of the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association, 44-45, 2019
Can we profit from a loss and still expect substantial gains? Grammatical metaphors as discourse builders and translational choices
G Milić, D Vidaković Erdeljić
ExEll-Explorations in English Language and Linguistics 7 (1), 1-21, 2019
Metaphor In And On Science
G Buljan, T Gradečak-Erdeljić, G Milić
Društvene i humanističke studije 3 (3 (6)), 105-118, 2018
Anita Peti-Stantić, Mateusz-Milan Stanojević, Goranka Antunović, eds.: Language Varieties Between Norms and Attitudes. South Slavic Perspectives. Proceedings from the 2013 CALS …
G Milić, D Vidaković Erdeljić
Jezikoslovlje 16 (1), 123-132, 2015
Humans as domestic animals in English and Croatian: a cognitive linguistic approach
G Milić
Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Osijeku, 2011
Sustav trenutno ne može provesti ovu radnju. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.
Članci 1–20