Roberta Sauerborn Klobučar
Roberta Sauerborn Klobučar
Director of Laboratory Services, PathCon Laboratories EU
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Tricaine methane‐sulfonate (MS‐222) application in fish anaesthesia
N Topic Popovic, I Strunjak‐Perovic, R Coz‐Rakovac, J Barisic, M Jadan, ...
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 28 (4), 553-564, 2012
Emerging contaminants—pesticides, PPCPs, microbial degradation products and natural substances as inhibitors of multixenobiotic defense in aquatic organisms
T Smital, T Luckenbach, R Sauerborn, AM Hamdoun, RL Vega, D Epel
Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 552 (1 …, 2004
Comparative toxicity of imidacloprid and its transformation product 6-chloronicotinic acid to non-target aquatic organisms: Microalgae Desmodesmus subspicatus and amphipod …
O Malev, RS Klobučar, E Fabbretti, P Trebše
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology 104 (3), 178-186, 2012
Inducibility of the P-glycoprotein transport activity in the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the freshwater mussel Dreissena polymorpha
T Smital, R Sauerborn, BK Hackenberger
Aquatic Toxicology 65 (4), 443-465, 2003
International round‐robin study on the Ames fluctuation test
G Reifferscheid, HM Maes, B Allner, J Badurova, S Belkin, K Bluhm, ...
Environmental and molecular mutagenesis 53 (3), 185-197, 2012
Interspecies differences in P-glycoprotein mediated activity of multixenobiotic resistance mechanism in several marine and freshwater invertebrates
T Smital, R Sauerborn, B Pivčević, S Krča, B Kurelec
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and …, 2000
Cloning and molecular characterization of apical efflux transporters (ABCB1, ABCB11 and ABCC2) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) hepatocytes
R Zaja, V Munić, RS Klobučar, A Ambriović-Ristov, T Smital
Aquatic toxicology 90 (4), 322-332, 2008
Detection and functional characterization of Pgp1 (ABCB1) and MRP3 (ABCC3) efflux transporters in the PLHC-1 fish hepatoma cell line
R Zaja, RS Klobučar, T Smital
Aquatic toxicology 81 (4), 365-376, 2007
Embryotoxic and genotoxic effects of sewage effluents in zebrafish embryo using multiple endpoint testing
S Babić, J Barišić, H Višić, RS Klobučar, NT Popović, I Strunjak-Perović, ...
Water research 115, 9-21, 2017
Sewage sludge toxicity assessment using earthworm Eisenia fetida: can biochemical and histopathological analysis provide fast and accurate insight?
S Babić, J Barišić, O Malev, G Klobučar, NT Popović, I Strunjak-Perović, ...
Environmental science and pollution research 23, 12150-12163, 2016
Multilevel ecotoxicity assessment of environmentally relevant bisphenol A concentrations using the soil invertebrate Eisenia fetida
S Babić, J Barišić, A Bielen, I Bošnjak, RS Klobučar, I Ujević, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 318, 477-486, 2016
Gold and silver nanoparticles effects to the earthworm Eisenia fetida – the importance of tissue over soil concentrations
JP Bourdineaud, A Štambuk, M Šrut, S Radić Brkanac, D Ivanković, ...
Drug and chemical toxicology 44 (1), 12-29, 2021
Identification of the multidrug resistance-associated protein (mrp) related gene in red mullet (Mullus barbatus)
R Sauerborn, DS Polancec, R Zaja, T Smital
Marine environmental research 58 (2-5), 199-204, 2004
Impact of treated wastewater on organismic biosensors at various levels of biological organization
NT Popović, I Strunjak-Perović, RS Klobučar, J Barišić, S Babić, M Jadan, ...
Science of the total environment 538, 23-37, 2015
Presence of ecotoxicologically relevant Pgp and MRP transcripts and proteins in Cyprinid fish
R Sauerborn Klobučar, R Žaja, D Franjević, A Brozović, T Smital
Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju 61 (2), 175-181, 2010
Detection and diversity of aeromonads from treated wastewater and fish inhabiting effluent and downstream waters
NT Popovic, SP Kazazic, I Strunjak-Perovic, J Barisic, RS Klobucar, ...
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 120, 235-242, 2015
Inducibility of metallothionein biosynthesis in the whole soft tissue of zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha exposed to cadmium, copper, and pentachlorophenol
D Ivanković, J Pavičić, V Beatović, RS Klobučar, GIV Klobučar
Environmental Toxicology: An International Journal 25 (2), 198-211, 2010
Haemolymph as compartment for efficient and non-destructive determination of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) mediated MXR activity in bivalves
R Žaja, GIV Klobučar, RS Klobučar, BK Hackenberger, T Smital
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2006
Measurement of the activity of multixenobiotic resistance mechanism in the common carp Cyprinus carpio
T Smital, R Sauerborn
Marine environmental research 54 (3/5), 449-453, 2002
First evidence of the P-glycoprotein gene expression and multixenobiotic resistance modulation in earthworm
I Bošnjak, A Bielen, S Babić, L Šver, NT Popović, I Strunjak-Perović, ...
Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology 65 (1), 67-75, 2014
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Articles 1–20