Ufuk Sakarya
Ufuk Sakarya
Yildiz Technical University, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
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A short survey of hyperspectral remote sensing applications in agriculture
M Teke, HS Deveci, O Haliloğlu, SZ Gürbüz, U Sakarya
2013 6th international conference on recent advances in space technologies …, 2013
Three-dimensional surface reconstruction for cartridge cases using photometric stereo
U Sakarya, UM Leloğlu, E Tunalı
Forensic science international 175 (2-3), 209-217, 2008
Video scene detection using graph-based representations
U Sakarya, Z Telatar
Signal Processing: Image Communication 25 (10), 774-783, 2010
Graph-based multilevel temporal video segmentation
U Sakarya, Z Telatar
Multimedia systems 14, 277-290, 2008
Dominant sets based movie scene detection
U Sakarya, Z Telatar, AA Alatan
Signal Processing 92 (1), 107-119, 2012
Hyperspectral dimension reduction using global and local information based linear discriminant analysis
U Sakarya
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2014
Video scene detection using dominant sets
U Sakarya, Z Telatar
2008 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 73-76, 2008
An improved method of photometric stereo using local shape from shading
U Sakarya, İ Erkmen
Image and Vision Computing 21 (11), 941-954, 2003
Graph partition based scene boundary detection
U Sakarya, Z Telatar
2007 5th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis …, 2007
Uzaktan algılamada RASAT: Türkiye'de üretilen ilk yer gözlem uydusu
Ö Kahraman, H Özen, E Demircioğlu, U Sakarya, R Küpçü, B Avenoğlu, ...
IV. Uzaktan Algılama ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Sempozyumu (UZAL-CBS 2012), 2012
Unsharp masking filter based shadow-invariant feature extraction for hyperspectral signatures
U Sakarya, C Demirkesen, M Teke
2014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2014
Automated region segmentation on cartridge case base
U Sakarya, O Topçu, UM Leloğlu, M Soysal, E Tunalı
Forensic science international 222 (1-3), 277-287, 2012
A New Automated Firearms Identification System using 3D Information BALISTIKA
UM Leloğlu, FB TEK
Hyperspectral images and lidar based DEM fusion: A multi-modal landuse classification strategy
C Demirkesen, M Teke, U Sakarya
2014 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2942-2945, 2014
Graph-based multilevel temporal segmentation of scripted content videos
U Sakarya, Z Telatar
Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition: 6th IAPR-TC-15 …, 2007
Dimension reduction using global and local pattern information-based maximum margin criterion
U Sakarya
Signal, Image and Video Processing 10 (5), 903-909, 2016
A short survey of hyperspectral remote sensing and hyperspectral remote sensing research at tübıtak Uzay
U Sakarya, M Teke, C Demirkesen, O Haliloğlu, AÖ Kozal, HS Deveci, ...
2015 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies …, 2015
A Comparative Performance Test of A New Ballistic Analysis System BALISTIKA
UM Leloğlu, FB TEK
Absolute radiometric calibration of the Göktürk-2 satellite sensor using Tuz Gölü (landnet site) from NDVI perspective
U Sakarya, İ Hakkı Demirhan, HS Deveci, M Teke, C Demirkesen, ...
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2016
Classification on hyperspectral images using enhanced Fisher discriminant criterion
M Teke, U Sakarya
2013 21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2013
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Articles 1–20