Shizhao Wang
Subgrid-scale model for large-eddy simulation of isotropic turbulent flows using an artificial neural network
Z Zhou, G He, S Wang, G Jin
Computers & Fluids 195, 104319, 2019
An immersed boundary method based on the lattice Boltzmann approach in three dimensions, with application
L Zhu, G He, S Wang, L Miller, X Zhang, Q You, S Fang
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 61 (12), 3506-3518, 2011
Dense velocity reconstruction from particle image velocimetry/particle tracking velocimetry using a physics-informed neural network
H Wang, Y Liu, S Wang
Physics of Fluids 34 (1), 017116, 2022
An immersed boundary method based on discrete stream function formulation for two-and three-dimensional incompressible flows
S Wang, X Zhang
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (9), 3479-3499, 2011
The motion of respiratory droplets produced by coughing
H Wang, Z Li, X Zhang, L Zhu, Y Liu, S Wang
Physics of Fluids 32 (12), 125102, 2020
Effects of geometric shape on the hydrodynamics of a self-propelled flapping foil
X Zhang, S Ni, S Wang, G He
Physics of Fluids (1994-present) 21 (10), 103302, 2009
Lift enhancement by dynamically changing wingspan in forward flapping flight
S Wang, X Zhang, G He, T Liu
Physics of Fluids (1994-present) 26 (6), 061903, 2014
A lift formula applied to low-Reynolds-number unsteady flows
S Wang, X Zhang, G He, T Liu
Physics of Fluids (1994-present) 25 (9), 093605, 2013
Wall-modeling for large-eddy simulation of flows around an axisymmetric body using the diffuse-interface immersed boundary method
B Shi, X Yang, G Jin, G He, S Wang
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 40 (3), 305-320, 2019
Lift enhancement by bats' dynamically changing wingspan
S Wang, X Zhang, G He, T Liu
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12 (113), 20150821, 2015
Unsteady Thin-Airfoil Theory Revisited: Application of a Simple Lift Formula
T Liu, S Wang, X Zhang, G He
AIAA Journal 53 (6), 1492-1502, 2015
A hydrodynamic stress model for simulating turbulence/particle interactions with immersed boundary methods
S Wang, M Vanella, E Balaras
Journal of Computational Physics 382, 240-263, 2019
Parallel computing strategy for a flow solver based on immersed boundary method and discrete stream-function formulation
S Wang, G He, X Zhang
Computers & Fluids 88, 210-224, 2013
Numerical investigation of flows around an axisymmetric body of revolution by using Reynolds-stress model based hybrid Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes/large eddy simulation
Y Liu, Z Zhou, L Zhu, S Wang
Physics of Fluids 33 (8), 085115, 2021
A structural subgrid-scale model for relative dispersion in large-eddy simulation of isotropic turbulent flows by coupling kinematic simulation with approximate deconvolution …
Z Zhou, S Wang, G Jin
Physics of Fluids 30 (10), 105110, 2018
Self-propulsion of flapping bodies in viscous fluids: Recent advances and perspectives
S Wang, G He, X Zhang
Acta Mechanica Sinica 32 (6), 980-990, 2016
Predicting the near-wall velocity of wall turbulence using a neural network for particle image velocimetry
H Wang, Z Yang, B Li, S Wang
Physics of Fluids 32 (11), 115105, 2020
Assimilation of disparate data for enhanced reconstruction of turbulent mean flows
XL Zhang, H Xiao, GW He, SZ Wang
Computers & Fluids 224, 104962, 2021
A structural subgrid-scale model for the collision-related statistics of inertial particles in large-eddy simulations of isotropic turbulent flows
Z Zhou, S Wang, X Yang, G Jin
Physics of Fluids 32 (9), 095103, 2020
Vortices and forces in biological flight: Insects, birds, and bats
H Liu, S Wang, T Liu
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 56 (1), 147-170, 2024
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