john mundy
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Cited by
Mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades in plants: a new nomenclature
K Ichimura, K Shinozaki, G Tena, J Sheen, Y Henry, A Champion, M Kreis, ...
Trends in plant science 7 (7), 301-308, 2002
Gene expression in response to abscisic acid and osmotic stress.
K Skriver, J Mundy
The Plant Cell 2 (6), 503, 1990
Arabidopsis MAP kinase 4 negatively regulates systemic acquired resistance
M Petersen, P Brodersen, H Naested, E Andreasson, U Lindhart, ...
Cell 103 (7), 1111-1120, 2000
Common amino acid sequence domains among the LEA proteins of higher plants
L Dure, M Crouch, J Harada, THD Ho, J Mundy, R Quatrano, T Thomas, ...
Plant molecular biology 12, 475-486, 1989
Mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling in plants
MS Cristina, M Petersen, J Mundy
Annual review of plant biology 61 (1), 621-649, 2010
Recalibrating Equus evolution using the genome sequence of an early Middle Pleistocene horse
L Orlando, A Ginolhac, G Zhang, D Froese, A Albrechtsen, M Stiller, ...
Nature 499 (7456), 74-78, 2013
Abscisic acid and water‐stress induce the expression of a novel rice gene.
J Mundy, NH Chua
The EMBO Journal 7 (8), 2279-2286, 1988
Enhanced quantitative resistance against fungal disease by combinatorial expression of different barley antifungal proteins in transgenic tobacco
G Jach, B Görnhardt, J Mundy, J Logemann, E Pinsdorf, R Leah, J Schell, ...
The Plant Journal 8 (1), 97-109, 1995
Biochemical and molecular characterization of three barley seed proteins with antifungal properties
R Leah, H Tommerup, IB Svendsen, J Mundy
Journal of Biological Chemistry 266 (3), 1564-1573, 1991
Morphological classification of plant cell deaths
WG van Doorn, EP Beers, JL Dangl, VE Franklin-Tong, P Gallois, ...
Cell Death & Differentiation 18 (8), 1241-1246, 2011
The MAP kinase substrate MKS1 is a regulator of plant defense responses
E Andreasson, T Jenkins, P Brodersen, S Thorgrimsen, NHT Petersen, ...
The EMBO journal 24 (14), 2579-2589, 2005
Transcriptome responses to combinations of stresses in Arabidopsis
S Rasmussen, P Barah, MC Suarez-Rodriguez, S Bressendorff, P Friis, ...
Plant physiology 161 (4), 1783-1794, 2013
Ancient signals: comparative genomics of plant MAPK and MAPKK gene families
LP Hamel, MC Nicole, S Sritubtim, MJ Morency, M Ellis, J Ehlting, ...
Trends in plant science 11 (4), 192-198, 2006
Arabidopsis MAP kinase 4 regulates gene expression through transcription factor release in the nucleus
JL Qiu, BK Fiil, K Petersen, HB Nielsen, CJ Botanga, S Thorgrimsen, ...
The EMBO journal 27 (16), 2214-2221, 2008
Arabidopsis MAP kinase 4 regulates salicylic acid‐and jasmonic acid/ethylene‐dependent responses via EDS1 and PAD4
P Brodersen, M Petersen, H Bjørn Nielsen, S Zhu, MA Newman, ...
The Plant Journal 47 (4), 532-546, 2006
Nuclear proteins bind conserved elements in the abscisic acid-responsive promoter of a rice rab gene.
J Mundy, K Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, NH Chua
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87 (4), 1406-1410, 1990
Knockout of Arabidopsis accelerated-cell-death11 encoding a sphingosine transfer protein causes activation of programmed cell death and defense
P Brodersen, M Petersen, HM Pike, B Olszak, S Skov, N Ødum, ...
Genes & development 16 (4), 490-502, 2002
Oil bodies and their associated proteins, oleosin and caleosin
GI Frandsen, J Mundy, JTC Tzen
Physiologia plantarum 112 (3), 301-307, 2001
Autophagic components contribute to hypersensitive cell death in Arabidopsis
D Hofius, T Schultz-Larsen, J Joensen, DI Tsitsigiannis, NHT Petersen, ...
Cell 137 (4), 773-783, 2009
cis-acting DNA elements responsive to gibberellin and its antagonist abscisic acid.
K Skriver, FL Olsen, JC Rogers, J Mundy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 88 (16), 7266-7270, 1991
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Articles 1–20