Ripul Ghosh
Ripul Ghosh
Principal Scientist, iSenS, CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh. Visiting Research Fellow, Syracuse University, US
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na - Početna stranica
Deep learning approach for human action recognition in infrared images
A Akula, AK Shah, R Ghosh
Cognitive Systems Research 50, 146-154, 2018
Sources of vibration and their treatment in hydro power stations-A review
RK Mohanta, TR Chelliah, S Allamsetty, A Akula, R Ghosh
Engineering science and Technology, an international journal 20 (2), 637-648, 2017
Adaptive contour-based statistical background subtraction method for moving target detection in infrared video sequences
A Akula, N Khanna, R Ghosh, S Kumar, A Das, HK Sardana
Infrared Physics & Technology 63, 103-109, 2014
Thermal Imaging And Its Application In Defence Systems
A Akula, R Ghosh, HK Sardana
AIP Conference Proceedings 1391, 333, 2011
Time–frequency analysis based robust vehicle detection using seismic sensor
R Ghosh, A Akula, S Kumar, HK Sardana
Journal of Sound and Vibration 346, 424-434, 2015
Moving Target Detection in Thermal Infrared Imagery using Spatiotemporal Information
A Akula, R Ghosh, S Kumar, HK Sardana
Journal of Optical Society of America A, 2013
WignerMSER: Pseudo-wigner distribution enriched MSER feature detector for object recognition in thermal infrared images
A Akula, R Ghosh, S Kumar, HK Sardana
IEEE Sensors Journal 19 (11), 4221-4228, 2019
Performance evaluation of a real-time seismic detection system based on CFAR detectors
R Ghosh, A Vajpeyi, A Akula, V Shaw, S Kumar, HK Sardana
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (7), 3678-3686, 2020
Hybrid multi-resolution detection of moving targets in infrared imagery
S Tewary, A Akula, R Ghosh, S Kumar, HK Sardana
Infrared Physics & Technology 67, 173-183, 2014
A Methodical Review of Condition Monitoring Techniques For Electrical Equipment
S Goel, R Ghosh, S Kumar, A Akula
National Seminar & Exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation, NDE 2014, Pune,, 2014
Target Recognition in Infrared Imagery using Convolutional Neural Network
A Akula, A Singh, R Ghosh, S Kumar, HK Sardana
Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision and Image …, 2017
Seismic signal analysis for the characterisation of elephant movements in a forest environment
DS Parihar, R Ghosh, A Akula, S Kumar, HK Sardana
Ecological Informatics 64, 101329, 2021
Optical fiber antenna generating spiral beam shapes
S Sarkar Pal, SK Mondal, D Kumbhakar, R Kumar, A Akula, R Ghosh, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (3), 2014
Condition monitoring of transformer using oil and winding temperature analysis
S Goel, A Akula, R Ghosh, BS Surjan
2016 IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical …, 2016
Variational mode decomposition of seismic signals for detection of moving elephants
DS Parihar, R Ghosh, A Akula, S Kumar, HK Sardana
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-8, 2022
A spatio-temporal deep learning approach for human action recognition in infrared videos
AK Shah, R Ghosh, A Akula
Optics and Photonics for Information Processing XII 10751, 249-257, 2018
Condition monitoring saves money and prevents failures
A Akula, S Goel, R Ghosh
Aiche J 113, 58-62, 2017
Towards an optimal bag-of-features representation for vehicle type classification in thermal infrared imagery
A Akula, R Ghosh, N Guleria, S Kumar, HK Sardana
Proc. of SPIE Vol 10751, 107511C-1, 2018
Machine learning based comparative analysis for the classification of earthquake signals
DS Parihar, R Ghosh, A Akula, S Kumar, HK Sardana
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing and Communication …, 2018
Multi-feature optimization strategies for target classification using seismic and acoustic signatures
R Ghosh, HK Sardana
Automatic Target Recognition XXX 11394, 68-81, 2020
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