Frank Germann
Frank Germann
Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame
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Cited by
Washing away your sins? Corporate social responsibility, corporate social irresponsibility, and firm performance
C Kang, F Germann, R Grewal
Journal of marketing 80 (2), 59-79, 2016
The chief marketing officer matters!
F Germann, P Ebbes, R Grewal
Journal of Marketing 79 (3), 1-22, 2015
Performance implications of deploying marketing analytics
F Germann, GL Lilien, A Rangaswamy
International Journal of Research in Marketing 30 (2), 114-128, 2013
Do retailers benefit from deploying customer analytics?
F Germann, GL Lilien, L Fiedler, M Kraus
Journal of Retailing 90 (4), 587-593, 2014
Relating online, regional, and national advertising to firm value
S Sridhar, F Germann, C Kang, R Grewal
Journal of Marketing 80 (4), 39-55, 2016
Product recalls and the moderating role of brand commitment
F Germann, R Grewal, WT Ross, RK Srivastava
Marketing Letters 25, 179-191, 2014
Performance brand placebos: How brands improve performance and consumers take the credit
AM Garvey, F Germann, LE Bolton
Journal of Consumer Research 42 (6), 931-951, 2016
Do marketers matter for entrepreneurs? Evidence from a field experiment in Uganda
SJ Anderson, P Chintagunta, F Germann, N Vilcassim
Journal of Marketing 85 (3), 78-96, 2021
Frontiers: Breaking the glass ceiling: Empowering female entrepreneurs through female mentors
F Germann, SJ Anderson, PK Chintagunta, N Vilcassim
Marketing Science 43 (2), 244-253, 2024
A taxonomy of marketing organizations
L McAlister, F Germann, N Chisam, P Hayes, A Lynch, B Stewart
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 51 (3), 617-635, 2023
A call for research at the public policy–marketing strategy interface
N Chisam, F Germann, RW Palmatier
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 41 (3), 213-215, 2022
Driving customer analytics from the top
F Germann, GL Lilien, C Moorman, L Fiedler
Customer Needs and Solutions 7, 43-61, 2020
The Impact of Volunteer Marketers on Product Differentiation and Firm Growth: A Field Experiment with Ugandan Entrepreneurs
SJ Anderson, PK Chintagunta, F Germann, N Vilcassim
Chicago Booth Research Paper, 2020
Marketing Analytics: Based on First Principles
RW Palmatier, JA Petersen, F Germann
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022
The uptrend effect: Encouraging healthy behaviors through greater inferred normativity
JP Costello, AM Garvey, F Germann, JEB Wilkie
Journal of Marketing Research 61 (1), 110-127, 2024
It’s Gotta Be the Shoes! Performance Enhancement Effects of Novel Brand Advertising
F Germann, AM Garvey
Journal of Advertising 51 (4), 469-485, 2022
Marketing Department Power and Board Interlocks
P Ebbes, F Germann, R Grewal
Wharton Customer Analytics Research Paper, Kenan Institute of Private …, 2023
Do Retailers Get Blamed When Manufacturer Brands Fail? Measurement of Multiloci Attributions and Spillover Effects
F Germann, RL Hess, MG Meloy
Marketing Accountability for Marketing and Non-marketing Outcomes 18, 111-128, 2021
Exploring the brand productivity gap
M Hammerschmidt, T Falk, HH Bauer
Marketing Theory and Applications, 334, 2010
Getting the Board on Board: Marketing Department Power and Board Interlocks
P Ebbes, F Germann, R Grewal
Journal of Marketing Research 62 (1), 1-21, 2025
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Articles 1–20