Natalija Topic Popovic
Natalija Topic Popovic
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Tricaine methane‐sulfonate (MS‐222) application in fish anaesthesia
N Topic Popovic, I Strunjak‐Perovic, R Coz‐Rakovac, J Barisic, M Jadan, ...
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 28 (4), 553-564, 2012
Blood chemistry and histological properties of wild and cultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in the North Adriatic Sea
R Coz-Rakovac, I Strunjak-Perovic, M Hacmanjek, N Topic Popovic, ...
Veterinary Research Communications 29 (8), 677-687, 2005
Microbiological quality of marketed fresh and frozen seafood caught off the Adriatic coast of Croatia
N Topić Popović, A Benussi Skukan, P Dzidara, R Coz-Rakovac, ...
Veterinary Medicine 55 (5), 233-241, 2010
Shell waste management and utilization: Mitigating organic pollution and enhancing sustainability
N Topić Popović, V Lorencin, I Strunjak-Perović, R Čož-Rakovac
Applied Sciences 13 (1), 623, 2023
Differentiation of environmental aquatic bacterial isolates by MALDI-TOF MS
NT Popović, SP Kazazić, I Strunjak-Perović, R Čož-Rakovac
Environmental Research 152, 7-16, 2017
Commercial phenotypic tests (API 20E) in diagnosis of fish bacteria: a review
R Coz-Rakovac, I Strunjak-Perovic
Veterinární medicína 52 (2), 49, 2007
Embryotoxic and genotoxic effects of sewage effluents in zebrafish embryo using multiple endpoint testing
S Babić, J Barišić, H Višić, RS Klobučar, NT Popović, I Strunjak-Perović, ...
Water research 115, 9-21, 2017
Sample preparation and culture condition effects on MALDI‐TOF MS identification of bacteria: A review
N Topić Popović, SP Kazazić, K Bojanić, I Strunjak‐Perović, ...
Mass spectrometry reviews 42 (5), 1589-1603, 2023
Seasonality of nuclear abnormalities in gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata (L.) erythrocytes
I Strunjak-Perovic, R Coz-Rakovac, N Topic Popovic, M Jadan
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 35 (2), 287-291, 2009
Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from wild freshwater fish in Croatia
N Topić Popović, I Strunjak-Perović, R Čož-Rakovac
Veterinary Research Communications 24, 371-377, 2000
Novel methods for assessing fish blood biochemical data
R Coz‐Rakovac, T Smuc, N Topic Popovic, I Strunjak‐Perovic, ...
Journal of applied ichthyology 24 (1), 77-80, 2008
Health status of wild and cultured sea bass in the northern Adriatic Sea
R Čož-Rakovac, I Strunjak-Perović, N Topić Popović, M Hacmanjek, ...
Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2002
Sewage sludge toxicity assessment using earthworm Eisenia fetida: can biochemical and histopathological analysis provide fast and accurate insight?
S Babić, J Barišić, O Malev, G Klobučar, NT Popović, I Strunjak-Perović, ...
Environmental science and pollution research 23, 12150-12163, 2016
Multilevel ecotoxicity assessment of environmentally relevant bisphenol A concentrations using the soil invertebrate Eisenia fetida
S Babić, J Barišić, A Bielen, I Bošnjak, RS Klobučar, I Ujević, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 318, 477-486, 2016
Evaluation of micronucleus and erythrocytic nuclear abnormalities in Balkan whip snake Hierophis gemonensis
I Strunjak-Perovic, D Lisicic, R Coz-Rakovac, N Topic Popovic, M Jadan, ...
Ecotoxicology 19 (8), 1460-1465, 2010
Fish liver damage related to the wastewater treatment plant effluents
N Topić Popović, L Čižmek, S Babić, I Strunjak-Perović, R Čož-Rakovac
Environmental science and pollution research 30 (17), 48739-48768, 2023
Nuclear abnormalities of marine fish erythrocytes
I Strunjak‐Perovic, N Topic Popovic, R Coz‐Rakovac, M Jadan
Journal of fish biology 74 (10), 2239-2249, 2009
Fatty acid and proximate composition of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) muscle with regard to plasma lipids
N Topic Popovic, L Kozacinski, I Strunjak‐Perovic, R Coz‐Rakovac, ...
Aquaculture research 43 (5), 722-729, 2012
Impact of treated wastewater on organismic biosensors at various levels of biological organization
NT Popović, I Strunjak-Perović, RS Klobučar, J Barišić, S Babić, M Jadan, ...
Science of the total environment 538, 23-37, 2015
Cage culture effects on mullets (Mugillidae) liver histology and blood chemistry profile
R Coz-Rakovac, I Strunjak-Perovic, N Topic Popovic, M Hacmanjek, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 72 (10), 2557-2569, 2008
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Articles 1–20