Sam Arsenault
Sam Arsenault
Postdoctoral Researcher, Trible Lab, Harvard University
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
Evolution of a supergene that regulates a trans-species social polymorphism
Z Yan, SH Martin, D Gotzek, SV Arsenault, P Duchen, Q Helleu, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (2), 240-249, 2020
Variation in DNA methylation is not consistently reflected by sociality in Hymenoptera
KM Glastad, SV Arsenault, KL Vertacnik, SM Geib, S Kay, BN Danforth, ...
Genome biology and evolution 9 (6), 1687-1698, 2017
The effect of maternal care on gene expression and DNA methylation in a subsocial bee
SV Arsenault, BG Hunt, SM Rehan
Nature communications 9 (1), 3468, 2018
Synchronizing stochastic circadian oscillators in single cells of Neurospora crassa
Z Deng, S Arsenault, C Caranica, J Griffith, T Zhu, A Al-Omari, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 35828, 2016
A caste differentiation mutant elucidates the evolution of socially parasitic ants
W Trible, V Chandra, KD Lacy, G Limón, SK McKenzie, L Olivos-Cisneros, ...
Current Biology 33 (6), 1047-1058. e4, 2023
Single Cells of Neurospora Crassa Show Circadian Oscillations, Light Entrainment, Temperature Compensation, and Phase Synchronization
Z Deng, JH Cheong, C Caranica, L Wu, X Qiu, MT Judge, B Hull, ...
Ieee Access 7, 49403-49417, 2019
Simple inheritance, complex regulation: Supergene‐mediated fire ant queen polymorphism
SV Arsenault, JT King, S Kay, KD Lacy, KG Ross, BG Hunt
Molecular Ecology 29 (19), 3622-3636, 2020
Measuring synchronization of stochastic oscillators in biology
Z Deng, S Arsenault, L Mao, J Arnold
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 750 (1), 012001, 2016
Direct and indirect genetic effects of a social supergene
SV Arsenault, O Riba‐Grognuz, DW Shoemaker, BG Hunt, L Keller
Molecular Ecology 32 (5), 1087-1097, 2023
Leveraging technological innovations to investigate evolutionary transitions to eusociality
SV Arsenault, KM Glastad, BG Hunt
Current opinion in insect science 34, 27-32, 2019
Single cell measurements on the biological clock by microfluidics
Z Deng, S Arsenault, T Zhu, R Cheng, J Griffith, L Mao
Proceedings of the 18th international conference on miniaturized systems for …, 2014
Molecular underpinnings of plasticity and supergene-mediated polymorphism in fire ant queens
AH Waugh, MA Catto, SV Arsenault, S Kay, KG Ross, BG Hunt
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, voae159, 2024
Gene Expression and Regulation in the Vicinity of the Eusocial Archetype
SV Arsenault
University of Georgia, 2020
Who you are and where you’ve been: Transcriptional effects of supergenotype and developmental environment in the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta
SV Arsenault, JT King, S Kay, KD Lacy, K Ross, BG Hunt
Entomology 2018, 2018
Gene regulatory differences between alate gynes from monogyne and polygyne colonies of the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta)
JT King, SV Arsenault, S Kay, KD Lacy, K Ross, BG Hunt
Entomology 2017, 2017
The effects of maternal care on gene expression and DNA methylation in the subsocial bee Ceratina calcarata
SV Arsenault, BG Hunt, SM Rehan
Entomology 2017, 2017
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