Francesco Vespignani
Francesco Vespignani
Departement of Developmental and Social Psychology, University of Padova
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Predictive mechanisms in idiom comprehension
F Vespignani, P Canal, N Molinaro, S Fonda, C Cacciari
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22 (8), 1682-1700, 2010
Differences in the perception and time course of syntactic and semantic violations
M De Vincenzi, R Job, R Di Matteo, A Angrilli, B Penolazzi, L Ciccarelli, ...
Brain and language 85 (2), 280-296, 2003
A deeper reanalysis of a superficial feature: An ERP study on agreement violations
N Molinaro, F Vespignani, R Job
Brain research 1228, 161-176, 2008
Cortical brain responses to semantic incongruity and syntactic violation in Italian language: an event-related potential study
A Angrilli, B Penolazzi, F Vespignani, M De Vincenzi, R Job, L Ciccarelli, ...
Neuroscience letters 322 (1), 5-8, 2002
The Sound of Voice: Voice-Based Categorization of Speakers’ Sexual Orientation within and across Languages
S Sulpizio, F Fasoli, A Maass, MP Paladino, F Vespignani, F Eyssel, ...
Plos One 10 (7), 1-38, 2015
First language attrition induces changes in online morphosyntactic processing and re‐analysis: an ERP study of number agreement in complex Italian sentences
K Kasparian, F Vespignani, K Steinhauer
Cognitive science 41 (7), 1760-1803, 2017
Is the noun ending a cue to grammatical gender processing? An ERP study on sentences in Italian
S Caffarra, A Siyanova‐Chanturia, F Pesciarelli, F Vespignani, C Cacciari
Psychophysiology 52 (8), 1019-1030, 2015
Brain MRI diffusion-weighted imaging in patients with classical phenylketonuria
R Manara, AP Burlina, V Citton, M Ermani, F Vespignani, C Carollo, ...
Neuroradiology 51, 803-812, 2009
Are complex function words processed as semantically empty strings? A reading time and ERP study of collocational complex prepositions
N Molinaro, P Canal, F Vespignani, F Pesciarelli, C Cacciari
Language and Cognitive Processes 28 (6), 762-788, 2013
Why brother and sister are not just siblings: Repair processes in agreement computation
N Molinaro, F Vespignani, R Zamparelli, R Job
Journal of Memory and Language 64 (3), 211-232, 2011
Anaphoric agreement violation: An ERP analysis of its interpretation
N Molinaro, A Kim, F Vespignani, R Job
Cognition 106 (2), 963-974, 2008
Central processing overlap modulates P3 latency
R Dell’Acqua, P Jolicoeur, F Vespignani, P Toffanin
Experimental Brain Research 165, 54-68, 2005
Basic composition and enriched integration in idiom processing: An EEG study.
P Canal, F Pesciarelli, F Vespignani, N Molinaro, C Cacciari
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 43 (6), 928, 2017
Seeing emotions, reading emotions: Behavioral and ERPs evidence of the regulation of pictures and words
A Grecucci, S Sulpizio, E Tommasello, F Vespignani, R Job
PLoS One 14 (5), e0209461, 2019
Widening agreement processing: a matter of time, features and distance
N Biondo, F Vespignani, L Rizzi, S Mancini
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 33 (7), 890-911, 2018
Cloze probability does not only affect N400 amplitude: The case of complex prepositions
N Molinaro, F Vespignani, P Canal, S Fonda, C Cacciari
Psychophysiology 45 (6), 1008-1012, 2008
Electrophysiological correlates of idiom comprehension: semantic composition does not follow lexical retrieval
P Canal, F Pesciarelli, N Molinaro, F Vespignani, C Cacciari
On the non-incremental processing of negation: A pragmatically licensed sentence-picture verification study with Italian (dyslexic) adults
D Delfitto
Cahiers de linguistique française 32, 45-58, 2015
Aspettative semantiche ed espressioni idiomatiche: aspetti psicolinguistici ed evidenze elettrofisiologiche
M Balconi, C Cacciari, F Vespignani, N Molinaro, S Fonda, P Canal
Neuropsicologia della comunicazione, 139-161, 2008
Pragmatic and knowledge range lenience towards foreigners
A Lorenzoni, E Pagliarini, F Vespignani, E Navarrete
Acta Psychologica 226, 103572, 2022
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Articles 1–20