Kenneth Lausdahl
Kenneth Lausdahl
PhD Student
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Cited by
The overture initiative integrating tools for VDM
PG Larsen, N Battle, M Ferreira, J Fitzgerald, K Lausdahl, M Verhoef
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 35 (1), 1-6, 2010
Maestro: The INTO-CPS co-simulation framework
C Thule, K Lausdahl, C Gomes, G Meisl, PG Larsen
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 92, 45-61, 2019
VDM-10 language manual
PG Larsen, K Lausdahl, N Battle, J Fitzgerald, S Wolff, S Sahara, ...
Internet: overturetool. org/documentation/manuals. html [Oct. 5, 2020], 2013
Introduction to digital twin engineering
H Feng, C Gomes, C Thule, K Lausdahl, A Iosifidis, PG Larsen
2021 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), 1-12, 2021
Combinatorial testing for VDM
PG Larsen, K Lausdahl, N Battle
2010 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal …, 2010
A Deterministic Interpreter Simulating A Distributed real time system using VDM
K Lausdahl, PG Larsen, N Battle
Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 13th International Conference on …, 2011
Semantic adaptation for FMI co-simulation with hierarchical simulators
C Gomes, B Meyers, J Denil, C Thule, K Lausdahl, H Vangheluwe, ...
Simulation 95 (3), 241-269, 2019
Combining VDM with executable code
CB Nielsen, K Lausdahl, PG Larsen
International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, VDM, and Z …, 2012
The incubator case study for digital twin engineering
H Feng, C Gomes, C Thule, K Lausdahl, M Sandberg, PG Larsen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.10390, 2021
Connecting UML and VDM++ with open tool support
K Lausdahl, HKA Lintrup, PG Larsen
International Symposium on Formal Methods, 563-578, 2009
Distributed Co-Simulation of Embedded Control Software with Exhaust Gas Recirculation Water Handling System using INTO-CPS.
N Pedersen, K Lausdahl, EV Sanchez, PG Larsen, J Madsen
SIMULTECH 2017, 73-82, 2017
Overture vdm-10 tool support: User guide
PG Larsen, K Lausdahl, A Ribeiro, S Wolff, N Battle
Technical Report TR-2010–02, the Overture Initiative, 2010
Towards reuse of synchronization algorithms in co-simulation frameworks
C Thule, M Palmieri, C Gomes, K Lausdahl, HD Macedo, N Battle, ...
International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 50-66, 2019
Semantics of the VDM real-time dialect
K Lausdahl, JW Coleman, PG Larsen
and no.: Technical report ECE-TR-13, 65, 2013
D3. 4b—co-simulation semantics
JW Coleman, KG Lausdahl, PG Larsen
The DESTECS Project (CNECT-ICT-248134), Tech. Rep., 2012
Crescendo tool support: user manual
PG Larsen, K Lausdahl, J Coleman, S Wolff, C Kleijn, F Groen
Tech. Rep. TR-001, The Crescendo Initiative, 2013
Facilitating home automation through wireless protocol interoperability
S Wolff, PG Larsen, K Lausdahl, A Ribeiro, TS Toftegaard
Proceedings of the Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symposia, 2009
Multi-paradigm discrete-event modelling and co-simulation of cyber-physical systems
M Neghina, CB Zamfirescu, PG Larsen, K Lausdahl, K Pierce
Studies in Informatics and Control 27 (1), 33-42, 2018
Support for co-modelling and co-simulation: the Crescendo tool
PG Larsen, C Gamble, K Pierce, A Ribeiro, K Lausdahl
Collaborative Design for Embedded Systems: Co-modelling and Co-simulation …, 2014
Integrated tool chain for model-based design of cyber-physical systems
PG Larsen, C Thule, KG Lausdahl, V Bandur, C Gamble, E Brosse, ...
The 14th Overture Workshop: Towards Analytical Tool Chains: Technical report …, 2016
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Articles 1–20