Gi-Yeul Bae
Gi-Yeul Bae
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Why some colors appear more memorable than others: A model combining categories and particulars in color working memory.
GY Bae, M Olkkonen, SR Allred, JI Flombaum
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 144 (4), 744, 2015
Dissociable decoding of spatial attention and working memory from EEG oscillations and sustained potentials
GY Bae, SJ Luck
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (2), 409-422, 2018
Stimulus-specific variability in color working memory with delayed estimation
GY Bae, M Olkkonen, SR Allred, C Wilson, JI Flombaum
Journal of Vision 14 (4), 7-7, 2014
Interactions between visual working memory representations
GY Bae, SJ Luck
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 79, 2376-2395, 2017
Reactivation of previous experiences in a working memory task
GY Bae, SJ Luck
Psychological science 30 (4), 587-595, 2019
Decoding motion direction using the topography of sustained ERPs and alpha oscillations
GY Bae, SJ Luck
NeuroImage 184, 242-255, 2019
Serial dependence in vision: Merely encoding the previous-trial target is not enough
GY Bae, SJ Luck
Psychonomic bulletin & review 27 (2), 293-300, 2020
Referential coding contributes to the horizontal SMARC effect.
YS Cho, GY Bae, RW Proctor
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 38 (3), 726, 2012
What happens to an individual visual working memory representation when it is interrupted?
GY Bae, SJ Luck
British Journal of Psychology 110 (2), 268-287, 2019
Close encounters of the distracting kind: Identifying the cause of visual tracking errors
GY Bae, JI Flombaum
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 74, 703-715, 2012
Transfer of magnitude and spatial mappings to the SNARC effect for parity judgments.
GY Bae, JM Choi, YS Cho, RW Proctor
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 35 (6), 1506, 2009
Two items remembered as precisely as one: How integral features can improve visual working memory
GY Bae, JI Flombaum
Psychological science 24 (10), 2038-2047, 2013
Neural evidence for categorical biases in location and orientation representations in a working memory task
GY Bae
NeuroImage 240, 118366, 2021
Assessing the information content of ERP signals in schizophrenia using multivariate decoding methods
GY Bae, CJ Leonard, B Hahn, JM Gold, SJ Luck
NeuroImage: Clinical 25, 102179, 2020
Amodal causal capture in the tunnel effect
GY Bae, JI Flombaum
Perception 40 (1), 74-90, 2011
The time course of face representations during perception and working memory maintenance
GY Bae
Cerebral Cortex Communications 2 (1), tgaa093, 2021
Association between failures in perceptual updating and the severity of psychosis in schizophrenia
S Bansal, GY Bae, BM Robinson, B Hahn, J Waltz, M Erickson, ...
JAMA psychiatry 79 (2), 169-177, 2022
Working memory content is distorted by its use in perceptual comparisons
K Fukuda, AE Pereira, JM Saito, TY Tang, H Tsubomi, GY Bae
Psychological science 33 (5), 816-829, 2022
Transfer of orthogonal stimulus–response mappings to an orthogonal Simon task
GY Bae, YS Cho, RW Proctor
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (4), 746-765, 2009
Appropriate correction for multiple comparisons in decoding of ERP data: A re-analysis of Bae & Luck (2018)
GY Bae, SJ Luck
BioRxiv, 672741, 2019
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