Leif Christian Stige
Leif Christian Stige
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The effect of climate variation on agro-pastoral production in Africa
LC Stige, J Stave, KS Chan, L Ciannelli, N Pettorelli, M Glantz, HR Herren, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (9), 3049-3053, 2006
Trait changes in a harvested population are driven by a dynamic tug-of-war between natural and harvest selection
E Edeline, SM Carlson, LC Stige, IJ Winfield, JM Fletcher, JB James, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (40), 15799-15804, 2007
Mushroom fruiting and climate change
H Kauserud, LC Stige, JO Vik, RH Økland, K Høiland, NC Stenseth
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (10), 3811-3814, 2008
Climate variation drives dengue dynamics
L Xu, LC Stige, KS Chan, J Zhou, J Yang, S Sang, M Wang, Z Yang, Z Yan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (1), 113-118, 2017
Climate effects on Barents Sea ecosystem dynamics
P Dalpadado, RB Ingvaldsen, LC Stige, B Bogstad, T Knutsen, G Ottersen, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 69 (7), 1303-1316, 2012
Cod and climate: effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation on recruitment in the North Atlantic
LC Stige, G Ottersen, K Brander, KS Chan, NC Stenseth
Marine Ecology Progress Series 325, 227-241, 2006
Productivity in the Barents Sea-response to recent climate variability
P Dalpadado, KR Arrigo, SS Hjøllo, F Rey, RB Ingvaldsen, E Sperfeld, ...
PloS one 9 (5), e95273, 2014
Reconstruction of a 1,910-y-long locust series reveals consistent associations with climate fluctuations in China
H Tian, LC Stige, B Cazelles, KL Kausrud, R Svarverud, NC Stenseth, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (35), 14521-14526, 2011
Thousand-year-long Chinese time series reveals climatic forcing of decadal locust dynamics
LC Stige, KS Chan, Z Zhang, D Frank, NC Stenseth
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (41), 16188-16193, 2007
Nonlinear effect of climate on plague during the third pandemic in China
L Xu, Q Liu, LC Stige, T Ben Ari, X Fang, KS Chan, S Wang, NC Stenseth, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (25), 10214-10219, 2011
Climate change and spring-fruiting fungi
H Kauserud, E Heegaard, MA Semenov, L Boddy, R Halvorsen, LC Stige, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1685), 1169-1177, 2010
Climate and population density drive changes in cod body size throughout a century on the Norwegian coast
LA Rogers, LC Stige, EM Olsen, H Knutsen, KS Chan, NC Stenseth
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (5), 1961-1966, 2011
The effects of oil spills on marine fish: Implications of spatial variation in natural mortality
Ø Langangen, E Olsen, LC Stige, J Ohlberger, NA Yaragina, FB Vikebø, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 119 (1), 102-109, 2017
Shifting dynamic forces in fish stock fluctuations triggered by age truncation?
T Rouyer, G Ottersen, JM Durant, M Hidalgo, DØ Hjermann, J Persson, ...
Global Change Biology 17 (10), 3046-3057, 2011
A review of early life history dynamics of Barents Sea cod (Gadus morhua)
G Ottersen, B Bogstad, NA Yaragina, LC Stige, FB Vikebø, P Dalpadado
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (8), 2064-2087, 2014
Density‐and size‐dependent mortality in fish early life stages
LC Stige, LA Rogers, AB Neuheimer, ME Hunsicker, NA Yaragina, ...
Fish and Fisheries 20 (5), 962-976, 2019
Wet climate and transportation routes accelerate spread of human plague
L Xu, LC Stige, KL Kausrud, T Ben Ari, S Wang, X Fang, BV Schmid, Q Liu, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1780), 20133159, 2014
Temporal shifts in recruitment dynamics of North Atlantic fish stocks: effects of spawning stock and temperature
G Ottersen, LC Stige, JM Durant, KS Chan, TA Rouyer, KF Drinkwater, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 480, 205-225, 2013
Periodic temperature-associated drought/flood drives locust plagues in China
Z Zhang, B Cazelles, H Tian, L Christian Stige, A Bräuning, NC Stenseth
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1658), 823-831, 2009
Contrasting effects of rising temperatures on trophic interactions in marine ecosystems
JM Durant, JC Molinero, G Ottersen, G Reygondeau, LC Stige, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 15213, 2019
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