Robert Vaser
Robert Vaser
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
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Cited by
Fast and accurate de novo genome assembly from long uncorrected reads
R Vaser, I Sovic, N Nagarajan, M Sikic
Genome research, 2017
SIFT missense predictions for genomes
R Vaser, S Adusumalli, SN Leng, M Sikic, PC Ng
Nature protocols 11 (1), 1-9, 2016
Time-and memory-efficient genome assembly with Raven
R Vaser, M Šikić
Nature Computational Science 1 (5), 332-336, 2021
Raven: a de novo genome assembler for long reads
R Vaser, M Šikić
BioRxiv, 2020.08. 07.242461, 2020
Yet another de novo genome assembler
R Vaser, M Šikić
2019 11th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and …, 2019
SWORD—a highly efficient protein database search
R Vaser, D Pavlović, M Šikić
Bioinformatics 32 (17), i680-i684, 2016
Efficacy of next-generation sequencing in bacterial zoonoses diagnostics
S Duvnjak, Ž Pavlinec, R Vaser, K Križanović, M Šikić, M Zdelar-Tuk, I Reil, ...
Veterinarska stanica 53 (1), 1-10, 2022
Protein database search optimization based on CUDA and MPI
D Pavlović, R Vaser, M Korpar, M Šikić
2013 36th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2013
Genome assembly and chemogenomic profiling of National Flower of Singapore Papilionanthe Miss Joaquim ‘Agnes’ reveals metabolic pathways regulating floral …
AH Lim, ZJ Low, PN Shingate, JH Hong, SC Chong, CCY Ng, W Liu, ...
Communications biology 5 (1), 967, 2022
Approaches to haplotype assembly
R Vaser
Laboratory for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2016
Whole genome comparison of Vibrio harveyi strains from the Mediterranean Sea
Ž Pavlinec, R Vaser, IG Zupičić, S Zrnčić, D Oraić, M Šikić
20th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish (EAFP 2021 …, 2021
Učinkovitost sljedeće generacije sekvenciranja u dijagnostici bakterijskih zoonoza
S Duvnjak, Ž Pavlinec, R Vaser, K Križanović, M Šikić, M Zdelar-Tuk, I Reil, ...
Veterinarska stanica 53 (1), 1-10, 2022
Algorithms for de novo assembly of large genomes.
R Vaser
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing …, 2019
Algorithms for Layout Phase of De Novo Genome Assembly
R Vaser, M Šikić
Second International Workshop on Data Science, 86-87, 2017
Ra–Rapid de novo genome assembler
R Vaser, M Šikić
ISMB/ECCB 2017, 1-1, 2017
Rala-Rapid layout module for de novo genome assembly
R Vaser, M Šikić
ISMB/ECCB 2017, 1-1, 2017
TGTP-DB–a database for extracting genome, transcriptome and proteome data using taxonomy
K Križanović, M Marinović, A Bulović, R Vaser, M Šikić
MIPRO 2016, 472-476, 2016
Evaluacija aplikacija za pretraživanje baze proteinskih sljedova
R Vaser
Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 2013
Deep learning approach to determining the type of long reads
L Vrček, MHH Huang, R Vaser, M Šikić
International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology 2020, 0
Genome Sequence Reconstruction Using Gated Graph Convolutional Network
L Vrček, R Vaser, T Laurent, M Sikic, X Bresson
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Articles 1–20