Eduardo Fernandez Sánchez
Eduardo Fernandez Sánchez
University of Liege
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Imposing minimum and maximum member size, minimum cavity size, and minimum separation distance between solid members in topology optimization
E Fernández, K Yang, S Koppen, P Alarcón, S Bauduin, P Duysinx
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 368, 113157, 2020
Influence of aramid fibers on the mechanical behavior of a hybrid carbon–aramid–reinforced epoxy composite
G Pincheira, C Canales, C Medina, E Fernández, P Flores
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …, 2018
An aggregation strategy of maximum size constraints in density-based topology optimization
E Fernández, M Collet, P Alarcón, S Bauduin, P Duysinx
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 60, 2113-2130, 2019
Topology optimisation for large-scale additive manufacturing: generating designs tailored to the deposition nozzle size
E Fernández, C Ayas, M Langelaar, P Duysinx
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 16 (2), 196-220, 2021
Note on spatial gradient operators and gradient-based minimum length constraints in SIMP topology optimization
K Yang, E Fernandez, C Niu, P Duysinx, J Zhu, W Zhang
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 60, 393-400, 2019
Multiscale Characterization of Nanoengineered Fiber‐Reinforced Composites: Effect of Carbon Nanotubes on the Out‐of‐Plane Mechanical Behavior
C Medina, E Fernandez, A Salas, F Naya, J Molina-Aldereguía, ...
Journal of nanomaterials 2017 (1), 9809702, 2017
Design and characterization of asymmetric cell structure of auxetic material for predictable directional mechanical response
R Valle, G Pincheira, V Tuninetti, E Fernandez, E Uribe-Lam
Materials 15 (5), 1841, 2022
Analytical relationships for imposing minimum length scale in the robust topology optimization formulation
D Trillet, P Duysinx, E Fernández
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 64, 2429-2448, 2021
Evaluation of the fill yarns effect on the out-of-plane compressive fatigue behavior for an unidirectional glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite
V San Juan, E Fernández, G Pincheira, M Meléndrez, P Flores
Composite structures 138, 237-242, 2016
A particle finite element method based on Level–Set functions
E Fernández, S Février, M Lacroix, R Boman, L Papeleux, JP Ponthot
Journal of Computational Physics 487, 112187, 2023
Generalized‐α scheme in the PFEM for velocity‐pressure and displacement‐pressure formulations of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
E Fernández, S Février, M Lacroix, R Boman, JP Ponthot
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 124 (1), 40-79, 2023
A numerical scheme for filter boundary conditions in topology optimization on regular and irregular meshes
P Kumar, E Fernández
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.01122, 2021
A Unified Thermo-Fluid–Solid Formulation for FSI and Phase Change Problems Based on the Particle Finite Element Method
BJ Bobach, R Boman, JM Carbonell, L Papeleux, EF Fernandez Sanchez, ...
International Journal of Computational Methods, 2024
Note on the minimum length scale and its defining parameters. Analytical relationships for Topology Optimization based on uniform manufacturing uncertainties.
D Trillet, P Duysinx, E Fernández
CoRR, 2021
Contributions to handle maximum size constraints in density-based topology optimization
E Fernández, M Collet, S Bauduin, E Lemaire, P Duysinx
Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization: Proceedings of …, 2018
Generating support structures for Additive Manufacturing using topology optimization and AM-guidelines
J Castro, EF Fernandez Sanchez, P Duysinx, P Flores, C Medina
European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2024
Applications of the Particle Finite Element Method for 3D Fluid-Structure Interactions and Multiphysics Simulations
M Lacroix, S Février, EF Fernandez Sanchez, L Papeleux, R Boman, ...
16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress …, 2024
Modelling melt pool dynamics using the particle finite element method for the simulation of the friction melt bonding process
EF Fernandez Sanchez, M Lacroix, S Février, T Zhang, BJ Bobach, ...
European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2024
Comparison of Interpolation Algorithms on Non-Matching Meshes for Partitioned Thermo-Mechanical Fluid-Structure Interactions
M Lacroix, S Février, EF Fernandez Sanchez, L Papeleux, R Boman, ...
9th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods, 2023
A new remeshing strategy relying on level-set functions for the Particle Finite Element Method
EF Fernandez Sanchez, S Février, M Lacroix, L Papeleux, R Boman, ...
International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in …, 2023
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