Ivan Tomašić
Ivan Tomašić
Mälardalen University
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na - Početna stranica
Electrocardiographic systems with reduced numbers of leads—synthesis of the 12-lead ECG
I Tomašić, R Trobec
IEEE reviews in biomedical engineering 7, 126-142, 2013
Continuous remote monitoring of COPD patients—justification and explanation of the requirements and a survey of the available technologies
I Tomasic, N Tomasic, R Trobec, M Krpan, T Kelava
Medical & biological engineering & computing 56, 547-569, 2018
Synthesis of the 12-Lead Electrocardiogram From Differential Leads
R Trobec, I Tomašić
Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 15 (4), 615-621, 2011
Medical-grade ECG sensor for long-term monitoring
A Rashkovska, M Depolli, I Tomašić, V Avbelj, R Trobec
Sensors 20 (6), 1695, 2020
A Telemedicine application: ECG data from wireless body sensors on a Smartphone
A Rashkovska, I Tomasic, R Trobec
MIPRO, 2011 Proceedings of the 34th International Convention, 262-265, 2011
Estimating the universal positions of wireless body electrodes for measuring cardiac electrical activity
I Tomašić, S Frljak, R Trobec
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (12), 3368-3374, 2013
Body sensors and electrocardiography
R Trobec, I Tomašić, A Rashkovska, M Depolli, V Avbelj
Springer International Publishing, 2018
A heterogeneous IoT-based architecture for remote monitoring of physiological and environmental parameters
G Gardašević, H Fotouhi, I Tomasic, M Vahabi, M Björkman, M Lindén
Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies for HealthCare: 4th International …, 2018
Commercial ECG systems
R Trobec, I Tomašić, A Rashkovska, M Depolli, V Avbelj, R Trobec, ...
Body Sensors and Electrocardiography, 101-114, 2018
Enabling IoT based monitoring of patients' environmental parameters: Experiences from using OpenMote with OpenWSN and Contiki-NG
I Tomasic, K Khosraviani, P Rosengren, M Jörntén-Karlsson, M Lindén
2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2018
Fasting reveals largely intact systemic lipid mobilization mechanisms in respiratory chain complex III deficient mice
N Tomašić, H Kotarsky, R de Oliveira Figueiredo, E Hansson, M Mörgelin, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Basis of Disease 1866 (1), 165573, 2020
Data flow and collection for remote patients monitoring: from wireless sensors through a relational database to a web interface in real time
I Tomasic, N Petrović, H Fotouhi, M Lindén, M Björkman
EMBEC & NBC 2017: Joint Conference of the European Medical and Biological …, 2018
Remote monitoring of vital functions-proof-of-concept system
A Rashkovska, I Tomasic, K Bregar, R Trobec
MIPRO, 2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention, 446-450, 2012
Multivariate linear regression based synthesis of 12-lead ECG from three bipolar leads
I Tomasic, R Trobec, V Avbelj
International Conference on Health Informatics 2, 216-221, 2010
Mixed-effect models for the analysis and optimization of sheet-metal assembly processes
I Tomasic, A Andersson, P Funk
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (5), 2194-2202, 2017
Can the regression trees be used to model relation between ECG leads?
I Tomasic, R Trobec, M Lindén
Internet of Things. IoT Infrastructures: Second International Summit, IoT …, 2016
Multicluster Hadoop Distributed File System
I Tomasic, J Ugovsek, A Rashkovska, R Trobec
MIPRO, 2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention, 301-305, 2012
Using Hadoop MapReduce in a multicluster environment
I Tomašić, A Rashkovska, M Depolli
2013 36th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2013
Smart wireless sensor for physiological monitoring
I Tomasic, V Avbelj, R Trobec
pHealth 2015, 295-301, 2015
International Internet of Things Summit
I Tomasic, R Trobec, M Lindén
Springer, 2015
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