Yaoran Li
Yaoran Li
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Predicting high school teacher use of technology: Pedagogical beliefs, technological beliefs and attitudes, and teacher training
Y Li, V Garza, A Keicher, V Popov
Technology, Knowledge and Learning 24, 501-518, 2019
Acuity of the approximate number system and preschoolers’ quantitative development
K van Marle, FW Chu, Y Li, DC Geary
Developmental science 17 (4), 492-505, 2014
Developmental change in the influence of domain-general abilities and domain-specific knowledge on mathematics achievement: an eight-year longitudinal study.
DC Geary, A Nicholas, Y Li, J Sun
Journal of Educational Psychology 109 (5), 680, 2017
Developmental gains in visuospatial memory predict gains in mathematics achievement
Y Li, DC Geary
PloS one 8 (7), e70160, 2013
Children’s visuospatial memory predicts mathematics achievement through early adolescence
Y Li, DC Geary
PloS one 12 (2), e0172046, 2017
Relating psychological and social factors to academic performance: A longitudinal investigation of high-poverty middle school students
Y Li, J Allen, A Casillas
Journal of Adolescence 56, 179-189, 2017
Effects of an interculturally enriched collaboration script on student attitudes, behavior, and learning performance in a CSCL environment
V Popov, HJA Biemans, KPJ Fortuin, AJH van Vliet, G Erkens, M Mulder, ...
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 21, 100-123, 2019
Dialectical Thinking Moderates the Effect of Extrinsic Motivation on Intrinsic Motivation
Y Li, K Sheldon, R Liu
Learning and Individual difference, 2015
Women’s preference for masculine traits is disrupted by images of male-on-female aggression
Y Li, DH Bailey, B Winegard, DA Puts, LLM Welling, DC Geary
PLoS One 9 (10), e110497, 2014
Developmental foundations of children’s fraction magnitude knowledge
DCG Yi Mou, Yaoran Li, Mary K. Hoard, Lara D. Nugent, Felicia W. Chu ...
Cognitive Development 39, 141–153, 2016
“It’s like I’m really there”: Using VR experiences for STEM career development
Y Jiang, V Popov, Y Li, PL Myers, O Dalrymple, JA Spencer
Journal of Science Education and Technology 30, 877-888, 2021
Long-term prospects and college students’ academic performance
Y Li, KM Sheldon, JN Rouder, DA Bergin, DC Geary
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 37 (3), 358-371, 2019
Challenges home and international students face in group work at a Dutch university
V Popov, D Brinkman, KPJ Fortuin, R Lie, Y Li
European Journal of Engineering Education 47 (4), 664-678, 2022
Meta-analysis on the relation between visuomotor integration and academic achievement: Role of educational stage and disability
L Khatib, Y Li, D Geary, V Popov
Educational Research Review 35, 100412, 2022
Who chooses best? Explaining the interactive effect of culture and decision maker on children’s intrinsic motivation
D Rudy, KM Sheldon, Y Li, S Kamble, X Bi, F Palermo
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 46 (4), 471-488, 2015
Cultural Differences in Revaluative Attributions
Y Li, R Liu, TR Schachtman
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2015
Exploring predictors of secondary school teachers’ use of technology to support student-centered teaching
Y Li, V Popov, V Garza, A Keicher
International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.[ISLS]., 2018
Technology Integration Panel (TIP): A Classroom Observation Tool to Measure the Capacity of Using Technology to Support Student-Centered Learning in the K12 Classroom
Y Li, L Dawley
annual meeting of the International Society for Technology in Education …, 2019
Using natural language processing and qualitative thematic coding to explore math learning and critical thinking
AY Clark, Y Li, Y Jiang
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Big Data and Education …, 2018
Students' Career Interests and Understanding about Occupations: A Study Using Whyville Players' Behavioral Data
Y Li, R Liu
ACT Issue Brief, 2015
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Articles 1–20