Michael Tao
Cited by
Cited by
Beyond pixel norm-balls: Parametric adversaries using an analytically differentiable renderer
HTD Liu, M Tao, CL Li, D Nowrouzezahrai, A Jacobson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.02651, 2018
Paparazzi: surface editing by way of multi-view image processing.
HTD Liu, M Tao, A Jacobson
ACM Trans. Graph. 37 (6), 221, 2018
An empirical analysis of the optimization of deep network loss surfaces
DJ Im, M Tao, K Branson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.04010, 2016
An empirical analysis of deep network loss surfaces
DJ Im, M Tao, K Branson
Adversarial geometry and lighting using a differentiable renderer
HTD Liu, M Tao, CL Li, D Nowrouzezahrai, A Jacobson
CoRR, abs/1808.02651, 2018
Near‐Isometric Level Set Tracking
M Tao, J Solomon, A Butscher
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (5), 65-77, 2016
Mandoline: robust cut-cell generation for arbitrary triangle meshes
M Tao, C Batty, E Fiume, DIW Levin
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 38 (6), 1-17, 2019
Transfer learning for cross-model regression in performance modeling for the cloud
F Iorio, AB Hashemi, M Tao, C Amza
2019 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science …, 2019
VEMPIC: Particle-in-polyhedron fluid simulation for intricate solid boundaries
M Tao, C Batty, M Ben-Chen, E Fiume, DIW Levin
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 41 (4), 1-22, 2022
Computational design and fabrication of active 3D-printed multi-state structures for shape morphing
TS Lumpe, M Tao, K Shea, DIW Levin
Smart Materials and Structures 32 (1), 015008, 2022
Development of polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography imaging platform and metrics to quantify electrostimulation-induced peripheral nerve injury in vivo in a …
GL Monroy, M Erfanzadeh, M Tao, DT DePaoli, I Saytashev, SA Nam, ...
Neurophotonics 10 (2), 025004-025004, 2023
Characterization of new optical imaging biomarkers of peripheral nerve overstimulation
M Tao, G Monroy, M Erfanzadeh, H Rafi, B Vakoc, S Vasudevan, ...
The FASEB Journal 34 (S1), 1-1, 2020
Pattern editor for generating functional textures
F Iorio, IR Ameline, TA Karkanis, MW Tao, M Moruzzi, AM Szymanski
US Patent App. 17/400,025, 2022
Laser engraving using stochastically generated laser pulse locations
F Iorio, IR Ameline, TA Karkanis, MW Tao, M Moruzzi, AM Szymanski
US Patent App. 17/341,071, 2021
Determining a laser-engraved surface using a reduced-order model
F Iorio, IR Ameline, TA Karkanis, MW Tao, M Moruzzi, AM Szymanski
US Patent App. 17/317,149, 2021
Determining a laser-engraving process for a targeted surface geometry
F Iorio, IR Ameline, TA Karkanis, MW Tao, M Moruzzi, AM Szymanski
US Patent App. 17/317,622, 2021
Computational Design of Active 3D-Printed Multi-State Structures for Shape Morphing
TS Lumpe, M Tao, K Shea, DIW Levin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.13526, 2021
Coupled Simulation of Fluids and Granular Materials
M Tao
University of Toronto, 2014
CSC418: Computer Graphics Tutorial
M Tao
Fluid Simulation on S2 using Spherical Harmonics
M Tao
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Articles 1–20