Eliana Nossa
Eliana Nossa
Aerospace Corporation
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Sporadic E layer observations over Arecibo using coherent and incoherent scatter radar: Assessing dynamic stability in the lower thermosphere
D. L. Hysell, E. Nossa, M. F. Larsen, J. Munro, M. P. Sulzer, N. Aponte, and ...
J. Geophys. Res., 114 (A12303), 2009
Dynamic instability in the lower thermosphere inferred from irregular sporadic E layers
D. L. Hysell1, E. Nossa, M. F. Larsen, J. Munro, S. Smith, M. P. Sulzer and ...
J. Geophys. Res. 117 (A08305), 2012
Fine structure in midlatitude sporadic E layers
D.L. Hysell, E. Nossa, H.C. Aveiro, M.F. Larsen, J. Munro, M.P. Sulzer, S.A ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 103 (October 2013), 16-23, 2013
SAMI3 simulations of ionospheric metallic layers at Arecibo
J Krall, JD Huba, E Nossa, N Aponte, DP Drob
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 (3), e2019JA027297, 2020
Estimating the electron energy distribution during ionospheric modification from spectrographic airglow measurements
D. L. Hysell, R. H. Varney, M. N. Vlasov, E. Nossa, B. Watkins, T. Pedersen ...
J. Geophys. Res. - Space Physics 117 (A2), 2012
Artificial E-region field-aligned plasma irregularities generated at pump frequencies near the second electron gyroharmonic
Hysell, D. L. and Nossa, E.
Ann. Geophys. 27, 2711-2720, 2009
Excitation threshold and gyroharmonic suppression of artificial E region field-aligned plasma density irregularities
D. L. Hysell1, E. Nossa1 andM. McCarrick
Radio Science 45 (6), 2010
NSEE yielding electron temperature measurements at the Arecibo Observatory
A Mahmoudian, E Nossa, B Isham, PA Bernhardt, SJ Briczinski, M Sulzer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 (5), 3699-3708, 2019
Ionospheric non-linear effects observed during very-long-distance HF propagation
Y Yampolski, G Milikh, A Zalizovski, A Koloskov, A Reznichenko, E Nossa, ...
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 6, 12, 2019
Radar and optical observations of irregular midlatitude sporadic E layers beneath MSTIDs
Hysell, D. L., T. Yokoyama, E. Nossa, R. B. Hedden, M. F. Larsen, J. Munro ...
Aeronomy of the Earth's Atmosphere Ionosphere, IAGA Special Sopron Book Series, 2010
Radar observations of artificial E-region field-aligned irregularities
Nossa, E., Hysell, D. L., Fallen, C. T., and Watkins, B. J.
Ann. Geophys. 27, 2699-2710, 2009
Geomagnetic field impacts on second harmonic generation during high power radio wave-ionosphere interaction
AD Yellu, WA Scales, PA Bernhardt, CL Siefring, S Briczinski, E Nossa, ...
Physics of Plasmas 28 (6), 2021
Pump power effects on second harmonic stimulated electromagnetic emissions during ionosphere heating
AD Yellu, WA Scales, A Mahmoudian, PA Bernhardt, CL Siefring, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 (11), 9739-9754, 2019
X‐mode suppression of artificial E region field‐aligned plasma density irregularities
MMC D. L. Hysell, E. Nossa
Radio Science, 2011
Plasma cavity formation during ionospheric heating at Arecibo
EV Levine, PA Bernhardt, MP Sulzer, PJ Sultan, BS Henderson, E Nossa, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 (7), e2019JA027715, 2020
Active Experiments in Space: New Capabilities and Innovations in Support of Space Science I
GL Delzanno, DL Cooke, M Golkowski, E Nossa
AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 2020
Results of artificial ionospheric turbulence studies using the ISR and SEE Techniques at the Arecibo Low-Latitude Heating Facility
VR Hashev, AV Shindin, EN Sergeev, SM Grach, E Nossa, MP Sulzer
2020 XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International …, 2020
Preliminary Results of Artificial Ionospheric Turbulence Studies at the Arecibo Low-Latitude Heating Facility in November 2018
A Shindin, S Grach, E Sergeev, P Bernhardt, E Nossa
2019 Russian Open Conference on Radio Wave Propagation (RWP) 1, 261-264, 2019
Almost 100 Years of the E Layer II Oral
E Nossa, A Barjatya, S Debchoudhury
AGU23, 2023
GOLD Airglow Data Assimilation for Ionospheric Models
E Nossa, PR Straus, DG Brinkman, LJ Gelinas
AGU23, 2023
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