Wasif Afzal
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Cited by
A systematic review of search-based testing for non-functional system properties
W Afzal, R Torkar, R Feldt
Information and Software Technology 51 (6), 957-976, 2009
Knowledge transfer challenges and mitigation strategies in global software development—A systematic literature review and industrial validation
S Nidhra, M Yanamadala, W Afzal, R Torkar
International journal of information management 33 (2), 333-355, 2013
Application of blockchain and Internet of Things to ensure tamper‐proof data availability for food safety
A Iftekhar, X Cui, M Hassan, W Afzal
Journal of Food Quality 2020 (1), 5385207, 2020
On the application of genetic programming for software engineering predictive modeling: A systematic review
W Afzal, R Torkar
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (9), 11984-11997, 2011
Software test process improvement approaches: A systematic literature review and an industrial case study
W Afzal, S Alone, K Glocksien, R Torkar
Journal of Systems and Software 111, 1-33, 2016
Searching for cognitively diverse tests: Towards universal test diversity metrics
R Feldt, R Torkar, T Gorschek, W Afzal
2008 IEEE international conference on software testing verification and …, 2008
On using grey literature and google scholar in systematic literature reviews in software engineering
A Yasin, R Fatima, L Wen, W Afzal, M Azhar, R Torkar
IEEE access 8, 36226-36243, 2020
Constrained interaction testing: A systematic literature study
BS Ahmed, KZ Zamli, W Afzal, M Bures
IEEE Access 5, 25706-25730, 2017
An experiment on the effectiveness and efficiency of exploratory testing
W Afzal, AN Ghazi, J Itkonen, R Torkar, A Andrews, K Bhatti
Empirical Software Engineering 20, 844-878, 2015
A Systematic Mapping Study on Non-Functional Search-based Software Testing.
W Afzal, R Torkar, R Feldt
SEKE 8, 488-493, 2008
Experience report: Automated system level regression test prioritization using multiple factors
PE Strandberg, D Sundmark, W Afzal, TJ Ostrand, EJ Weyuker
2016 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2016
Handling constraints in combinatorial interaction testing in the presence of multi objective particle swarm and multithreading
BS Ahmed, LM Gambardella, W Afzal, KZ Zamli
Information and software Technology 86, 20-36, 2017
The MegaM@ Rt2 ECSEL project: MegaModelling at Runtime–Scalable model-based framework for continuous development and runtime validation of complex systems
W Afzal, H Bruneliere, D Di Ruscio, A Sadovykh, S Mazzini, E Cariou, ...
Microprocessors and Microsystems 61, 86-95, 2018
Sharing information online rationally: An observation of user privacy concerns and awareness using serious game
R Fatima, A Yasin, L Liu, J Wang, W Afzal, A Yasin
Journal of Information Security and Applications 48, 102351, 2019
A novel methodology to classify test cases using natural language processing and imbalanced learning
S Tahvili, L Hatvani, E Ramentol, R Pimentel, W Afzal, F Herrera
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence 95, 103878, 2020
Prediction of fault count data using genetic programming
W Afzal, R Torkar, R Feldt
2008 IEEE International Multitopic Conference, 349-356, 2008
Automated functional dependency detection between test cases using doc2vec and clustering
S Tahvili, L Hatvani, M Felderer, W Afzal, M Bohlin
2019 IEEE International Conference On Artificial Intelligence Testing …, 2019
Comparing automated visual GUI testing tools: an industrial case study
V Garousi, W Afzal, A Çağlar, İB Işık, B Baydan, S Çaylak, AZ Boyraz, ...
Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Automated …, 2017
Automated system-level regression test prioritization in a nutshell
PE Strandberg, W Afzal, TJ Ostrand, EJ Weyuker, D Sundmark
IEEE Software 34 (4), 30-37, 2017
Towards earlier fault detection by value-driven prioritization of test cases using fuzzy TOPSIS
S Tahvili, W Afzal, M Saadatmand, M Bohlin, D Sundmark, S Larsson
Information Technology: New Generations: 13th International Conference on …, 2016
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Articles 1–20